More KJP: White House celebrates 'Lesbian Visibility Week' with television actors in press briefing room

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre brought in cast members of “The L Word” and “Generation Q,” TV shows Tuesday to lecture, er, celebrate with the press corps Lesbian Visibility Week. She was sure to remind everyone within listening range that she is a lesbian. Everyone in the room knew, of course, because they all socialize and know each other, but for some reason, it was important for KJP and the Biden White House to tell America about lesbians.


Maybe no one has told KJP that just being a lesbian these days isn’t in vogue. Everything is all about transgenders now. Bringing in some celebrities apparently legitimatized the whole thing. Not too long ago, the cast of “Ted Lasso” was paraded before the press corps to highlight mental health awareness. Some reporting of the visit said that the room was silent, apparently the correspondents were stunned and silent by the whole thing.

The purpose of this stunt was to slam “MAGA extremists” for their alleged attacks on LGBT groups and civil rights legislation. KJP declared Biden to be the “most pro-LGBTQI president in our history.”

“This week is Lesbian Visibility Week, and as the first openly queer person to hold the position of press secretary for the President of the United States, I see every day how important visibility and representation are,” Jean-Pierre began, welcoming actresses Jennifer Beals, Leisha Hailey and Katherine Moennig as well as show co-creator Ilene Chaiken.

“As a young, queer woman of color, I felt alone and sometimes invisible,” Jean-Pierre said. “For so many people in our community, ‘The L Word’s’ impact cannot be understated [sic]. Being able to see diverse narratives that reflect our lives is incredibly important. It is important that young people see characters on television and in the books who they can relate to, and whose life stories and identities inspire them to reach their highest potential.”


It is no coincidence that KJP staged this ambush on the press corps in order to trash Republicans on Tuesday. It was also the day that Biden officially announced his campaign for reelection. The video he recorded to do that also used MAGA Republicans as his foils. KJP said LGBT people face “relentless attacks from some Republicans across the country.” She went on to talk about the “banning” of books promoting the LGBT agenda and the law in Florida that Democrats deliberately mislabel the “Don’t Say Gay” law. “MAGA extremists want to roll back the visibility and progress we fought so hard to achieve,” Jean-Pierre said.

What she didn’t do was give specifics on “relentless attacks” by Republicans or giving specifics on alleged book bans. Did she mean the books that parents objected to their children reading due to the material in the books in school libraries? That isn’t book banning. That is choosing age-appropriate material for their children.

Chaiken sang Biden’s praises and said some of the same things KJP said. Shouldn’t the co-creator of a television show have been a little more creative?

“We’re honored to be here today standing beside the first out lesbian press secretary in our history, who serves the most pro-LGBTQI president in our history,” Chaiken began. “We’re painfully aware that our struggles are far from over. We face new threats against our community, from online harassment to legislative acts of violence, to actual physical violence.”

“They may try to erase our stories from classrooms and libraries, but we’re here. We’re here today – at the White House – and we won’t be erased. We will continue to be visible, powerful and engaged, contributive, creative, loving American citizens,” she continued, going on to thank Biden for his leadership on the issue.


Remember when Joe Biden campaigned in 2019 and pledged to bring back “normal”? Just like every other campaign pledge, he lied. This is not normal behavior from the White House press secretary. It was arrogant and selfish. She took up time when the correspondents should have been asking about any number of subjects but instead were lectured about how terrible Republicans are and a not so thinly veiled endorsement of Biden’s reelection campaign.

This is a consequence of Joe Biden hiring personnel by checking identity boxes, not experience or quality resumes. KJP is heralded for checking off a trifecta of identity boxes – she’s a lesbian, black, and an immigrant. She is also perhaps the worst White House press secretary in my lifetime.


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