GOP senator introduces resolution for vote of no confidence on Mayorkas after a spicy grilling

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

DHS Secretary Mayorkas was on the receiving end of a spicy grilling in the Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing this week, as well as one in the House. On Tuesday, Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) announced that he is introducing a resolution to bring a vote of no confidence in Mayorkas. Republican lawmakers have had enough of the epic failure of Mayorkas’ performance in office.


Senator Marshall calls it a dereliction of duty. Unfortunately, Mayorkas is carrying out the wishes of Joe Biden when it comes to enabling our porous southern border so nothing will come of any action Republicans take against the secretary. He will remain in his position as long as Joe Biden wants him to and that will be at least through the end of his first term in the White House.

“Mr. Secretary, you are derelict in your duties. I would be derelict to not do something about this. And that’s why I have a draft resolution here that I intend to introduce in the coming days that would require the Senate to take a vote of no confidence on Secretary Mayorkas,” he said as he questioned Mayorkas in a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing.

“I stand at the ready to receive articles of impeachment from the House and conduct an impeachment trial in this body. But in the meantime, I think the Senate must show our colleagues in the House that we’ve had enough of the failures from the Department of Homeland Security and believe that the secretary is not fit to faithfully carry out the duties of his office,” he said.

As long as the House is controlled by Republicans and the Senate controlled by Democrats, Mayorkas will remain in office, impeachment proceedings or not. The draft resolution notes that his pattern of conduct is not compatible with “the constitutional and statutory duties as Secretary of Homeland Security.” Specifically, the resolution accuses Mayorkas of an inability to achieve operational control of the southern border. This is something the head of Border Patrol has said the agency does not have. Mayorkas contradicted Chief of the US Border Patrol Raul L. Ortiz during the hearing.


Mayorkas insists that DHS has operational control of the border. That lie is a stunning betrayal of his Border Patrol chief. It is further proof that Mayorkas does not have the backs of his people. He throws rank-and-file members of the Border Patrol under the bus at every opportunity to save himself and Joe Biden from criticism. Remember Whipgate? The Border Patrol agents shamefully accused of whipping Haitian illegal immigrants wading across the Rio Grand River. It was a phony story from the get-go concocted by a Democrat operative on Twitter, yet it took off like wildfire, and the Border Patrol agents were punished needlessly. Have they been made whole from the whole horrible episode? No. Not even an apology from Mayorkas or from Biden and Harris who immediately jumped in and spread the lies of their accusers.

The southern border has been overrun with a record-setting number of illegal aliens since Biden took office, including individuals on the terror watch list. The southern border is not just a humanitarian crisis, it is a national security crisis. Biden may not care about the sovereignty of the United States and maintaining its borders but what about his first responsibility, which is to protect the homeland and her citizens? Biden is also guilty of a dereliction of duty. The porous border is by design. It is what Biden intended all along. Mayorkas is simply doing Biden’s bidding.


The porous southern border is also responsible for the record number of deaths by fentanyl, a drug that is flooding the United States. There are also a record number of gotaways that are not apprehended on the border. They move into the interior of the country, never to be captured. Drug cartels and human traffickers control sections of the border and are making millions of dollars for their efforts.

Does any of this suggest control of the southern border? Of course not. Mayorkas and Joe Biden lie to us with impunity. Nothing changes, what do they care?

DHS puts the burden on Congress to make reforms necessary to address illegal immigration. It’s true that policy-making falls on Congress but as long as Joe Biden uses executive orders to remove policies and agreements in place, as he did when he took office, there is little that Congress can do. The Biden administration does not enforce the laws already in place.

“Secretary Mayorkas is proud to advance the noble mission of this Department, support its extraordinary workforce, and serve the American people. The Department will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border, protect the nation from terrorism, improve our cybersecurity, all while building a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system. Instead of pointing fingers and pursuing baseless attacks, Congress should work with the Department and pass legislation to fix our broken immigration system, which has not been updated in over 40 years.” a spokesperson said on Tuesday.


Malarkey. There is nothing humane about the current situation along the southern border.

The Biden administration has heavily promoted the CBP One app as a solution to the Biden border crisis. All the illegal aliens we are told break into our country out of desperation from extreme poverty seem to have cell phones and the ability to use apps, but we aren’t supposed to notice that fact. Anyway, how is the app a solution to the border crisis when the majority of those using the app are being released into the country?

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said at a Senate hearing in March that the app is “like a concierge service for illegal immigrants.”

Senior officials told CBS that the Biden administration is planning to increase the number of migrants allowed to enter the US daily using the app from 740 to 1,000.

Todd Bensman, a fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies posted on Twitter, “The Biden government has thrown in the towel on its highly vaunted pre-legalization app program for Venezuelans, Cubans, Nicaraguans, and Haitians. Now they’re just back to letting them in over the border by the thousands. Into interior America, they tell me.”



And on it goes. This is Biden’s America where our country has no borders and illegal aliens feel emboldened to break our laws as their first act in our country.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024