Texas congressman is the latest lawmaker to endorse Trump despite "positive" meeting with DeSantis

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) is the latest Republican to endorse Donald Trump for the Republican nomination for president. It is being noted that Gooden met with Governor Ron DeSantis in Washington on Tuesday and, though he said the meeting was a positive one, he almost immediately came out and endorsed Trump.


Perhaps Gooden was showing courtesy to DeSantis and simply waited until he could say he met with the governor and still wanted to endorse Trump. The media lapped up that tidbit of information. As Ed wrote about earlier, the endorsement war is on. I tend to agree with Ed’s opinion that endorsements don’t always mean much to voters. I think that is particularly true of endorsements by lawmakers. Often voters believe that elected officials behave as though they are members of a good ole boy’s (or girl’s) club. Voters who may not be political junkies don’t always keep up closely on who is endorsing whom in Washington, D.C. They talk to and listen to their family members and friends who vote. The opinion of those people holds more sway. For example, do voters outside Gooden’s district in Texas know who Gooden is? His isn’t a well-known name like other Texas lawmakers.

DeSantis is traveling outside Florida on a book tour (wink, wink) and letting potential voters get to know him as he does so. He just so happens to be going to early primary voting states while he’s at it. It’s a common move for a public figure thinking of running for president – write a book, get it published in a timely manner so that a book tour will allow people across the country to be introduced to him or her, and then that person is no longer unknown outside their district or state. DeSantis is well-known in some political circles because of his level of success as a governor. Those who follow politics know who he is and his record. Most importantly, he was re-elected as governor of Florida and he flipped a purplish swing state to a ruby red state. It was a beautiful thing. He’s been wildly successful in raising money for Republicans and local Republican Parties across the country.


Both DeSantis and Trump have huge (yuge) war chests. A mano-a-mano battle between the two men would be epically good entertainment for political junkies. It may or may not happen. DeSantis has not officially launched a presidential campaign but at this point, it’s foolish to deny that his intentions from every indication point to him jumping in when the Florida Legislature is finished with its work. He’s running. He is number two in polling among Republican candidates. Trump is comfortably out in front but that will change once DeSantis gets into the race. It’s best to take polls with a grain or ten of salt.

“I met with Governor DeSantis, and while he has done commendable work in Florida, there is no doubt in my mind that President Trump is the only leader who can save America from the leftist onslaught we are currently facing,” Gooden said in a press release.

“President Trump is a tireless fighter, a champion of American jobs, a guardian of our economy, and a bulwark against the relentless invasion of our borders by illegal immigrants. He unyieldingly supported our military and veterans, and bravely stood up to the dangerous socialist agenda propagated by the radical left,” he said.

“I wholeheartedly endorse President Donald J. Trump for the 2024 presidential election and vow to fight alongside him to reclaim our country from the leftist forces that threaten to destroy it. Together we will ensure a prosperous and secure future for our great nation,” he added.


Everything Gooden credits Trump with can also be said of DeSantis. Both men have a record in politics and both have plenty to justify a run for president. Clearly, Trump and the Democrats expect DeSantis to be the one to present the greatest challenge to another Trump battle against Joe Biden. There is no appetite for another Trump versus Biden campaign except among the very core of Trump’s supporters. Biden voters are chomping at the bit, though. And that goes for NeverTrumpers like the Lincoln Project grifters and other Republicans turned Democrat voters.

One area that is fresh on conservative voters’ minds is the pandemic and how government officials – federal and state- handled it. DeSantis wins that contest. Trump allowed Fauci and Birx to impose their restrictions on Americans and stood with them at the White House briefing room podium day after day as they lectured us about the coronavirus and how to keep safe from it.

The endorsements will continue up until the Republican convention. The names are good for fundraising materials. We’ll see if DeSantis picks up steam as he gets closer to announcing his official decision.


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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024