Growing trend: Chinese nationals at the southern border

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

There is something odd going on at the southern border. Groups of Chinese nationals have been spotted as they try to make their way to the United States. The sudden uptick in the number of Chinese nationals making the trek to the border is not getting the press coverage it should. This is my shocked face. As usual, only one news organization has noticed.


As you can see from this brief video, a small group of Chinese nationals is approached by a Fox News reporter at the southern border. He asks if they are from China and they respond that they are.

What is notable is the people have no bags, they are not carrying personal belongings, or even wearing backpacks. Do they look like they have been traveling on foot for a very long time? They look fresh and their clothes are clean. Something is fishy. The group doesn’t look like a typical group of migrants attempting to come to the U.S. border and cross over illegally into the country from Mexico.

The timing is odd, too. This is a time when Xi and Putin are making a great effort to convey their budding partnership on the world stage. The two brutal dictators are meeting in Moscow this week and addressing each other as “dear friend.” The reach of China is spreading out all around the world and it is clear the intention is to replace the United States as the leader of the world. There are plenty of distractions going on right now. A sudden surge of Chinese nationals out of nowhere arriving at the southern border can easily fall through the cracks in news coverage.


Whatever the plan is and whoever is behind it is finding success. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are releasing busloads of Chinese nationals to the interior of the United States. There is a 900% surge in encounters with illegal immigrants from China. Two busloads were released to a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Brownsville, Texas. They are being released with notices to appear (NTA) because there are so many crossings and there is no shelter space to house them. With an NTA they are given a court hearing for their immigration claims but due to the backlog, this can take four to seven years to resolve. We all know what that means. They will scatter in the wind and go about their new lives in the United States whether or not they have legit asylum claims. We already know they aren’t following the legal process to enter the United States.

Officials say the Rio Grande Valley Sector — one of the busiest sectors along the border — has seen a more than 900% increase in Chinese nationals over the same time last year. Across the southern border, there were 55 encounters with Chinese nationals in February 2022; there were 1,368 in February 2023.

In the fiscal year 2021, there were 450 encounters with Chinese nationals overall; in fiscal year 2022, there were 1,176. So far this fiscal year, there have been 4,366 since October.


Border officials report that there have been illegal immigrant encounters from 147 different countries this fiscal year. That doesn’t include all the hundreds of thousands of gotaways that have escaped apprehension. There is no way of knowing who is in this country and where they are coming from in those cases. The Chinese national connection is troubling, given the fact that components to make fentanyl is produced in China and brought into Mexico by drug cartels. Mexican labs then make the fentanyl and send it to the United States for sale. The China-Mexico alliance in this operation is what has produced the fentanyl crisis in the United States, killing thousands of young Americans every month.

Chief of the U.S Border Patrol, Raul Ortiz, testified last week that Border Patrol does not have operational control of the southern border. He told a congressional committee that border sectors are overwhelmed. He also said he disagreed with Joe Biden’s order to halt the construction of the border wall.

The new narrative coming from the Biden White House, now that he’ll be running for re-election, is that it’s those MAGA Republicans who will not secure the southern border. If only they would agree to create slush fund after slush fund in huge spending bills created by tax and spend Democrats the border would be secured in no time. Just throw more money at the problem. That’s the ticket. In Biden’s immigration plan, he claims he presented to Congress at the beginning of his term, the main focus was on blanket amnesty for all illegal aliens in the United States. That is a non-starter. Cry more, Joe.


Biden’s border crisis is intentional and that is clear. An election-year conversion to suddenly caring about the chaos and destruction of his open-border policies is rich, even for Sleepy Joe.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024