Libs of TikTok book event for kids canceled due to threats while NY AG James' drag story hour draws a crowd

Courtesy of Marissa Forte

New York Attorney General Letitia James hosted a ‘Drag Story Hour’ for children Sunday. It was billed as a ‘Celebration of love, joy and family fun.’ On Sunday, an alternative family storybook event was scheduled with Libs of TikTok account owner and conservative children’s book author Chaya Raichik. Guess which event went forward and which one was canceled?


For whatever woke reason, the NY AG thought it was acceptable for a high-ranking government official to host a lewd and inappropriate event for families with young children. Drag Story Hours are an opportunity for drag queens to perform for audiences of mixed ages and that includes babies. Young children have no idea what is going on yet they are subjected to men dressed as women gyrating in front of them as though it is normal family entertainment. Many Americans do not agree with this kind of show being put on in the presence of young children and babies. One example is the conservative children’s book author Chaya Raichik. As an alternative to Sunday’s show with the attorney general, Raichik scheduled a family story hour at The Women’s National Republican Club on Sunday afternoon.

Conservatives objected to “Drag Story Hour NYC with New York State Attorney General Letitia James,” as could have been predicted, so an alternative was offered. However, Raichik’s event was suddenly canceled due to threats.

“Brave Books,” the publisher of Raichik’s conservative children’s book “No More Secrets: The Candy Cavern,” tweeted Friday that its Sunday story hour featuring Raichik, and Brave Books CEO Trent Talbot, had been canceled due to threats of “unsafe behavior” from some attendees.

The publisher wrote, “We have received threats of potentially inappropriate and unsafe behavior at the NYC story hour with Chaya Raichik on Sunday and have advised Chaya we cancel the event. With children being involved, we don’t want to take any chances.”

They added, “We will find a way to combat this moving forward. Stay tuned for an announcement in the coming days.”


Welcome to 2023. An event hosted for children and their families that centered around reading a storybook received threats and had to be shut down out of an abundance of caution for the children who may have attended the event. However, the drag story hour went on as planned. You can’t make this stuff up. Some snarky commenters asked Brave Books when the company would be changing its name.

It’s understandable that the publisher was concerned and canceled the event. In today’s world, people are unhinged and you never know what might happen, whether children are present or not. The whole reason Raichik created the event was to offer an alternative to conservative families offering criticism about the attorney general’s event, which welcomed children to the drag show. James’ show explicitly advertised to “families with children.” The show was sponsored by “The Pride Center of Staten Island, Queens Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, and Destination Tomorrow, a grassroots LGBTQ organization in the Bronx.


Drag Story Hours have been hot-button issues for several years. They began somewhat quietly in public libraries in liberal cities and have since become more common in communities around the country. As with anything controlled by liberals, an opposing viewpoint is not tolerated. Liberals are not interested in debating, they are all about simply shutting down opposing viewpoints. The goal is to silence conservative parents who object to the sexualization of very young children. It is a form of grooming. The purpose of the drag story hours is to normalize this behavior. Drag shows can be looked at as a form of entertainment and that’s fine but it’s not meant for children who don’t even understand what is going on. If adults want to take in a drag show, who cares? Live and let live. However, when young children and babies are brought into the audience, the situation changes.

The attorney general’s event was quite an extravaganza. According to press reports, about 200 guests, including families, “enjoyed four back-to-back Story Hours” at The LGBT Community Center.


James released a statement.

“The recent rise in anti-LGBTQ+ protests, rhetoric, and policies has left New Yorkers — myself included — devastated and disappointed. But I know better than anyone that when the choice is between love and hate, between joy and venom, New Yorkers will always choose love, and New Yorkers will always choose joy,” James said in a statement. “I am proud to have been joined by my colleagues in advocacy and government today in celebration of the love, joy, and family fun that Drag Story Hour brings to our communities. Hate has no home in New York, and I will always fight to ensure our LGBTQ+ siblings’ rights are upheld and defended.”

Sure, it’s all love and joy except for the violent threats made to the organizers of a story hour for children being raised in a more traditional manner, right? Good Lord. What a bunch of hypocrites. “Hate has no home in New York,” except if it’s toward conservatives.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams released a statement, too.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams was also quoted saying, “Drag storytellers, and the organizations that support them, are advancing a love of diversity, personal expression, and literacy that are core to what our city embraces. Stories don’t just teach children to love reading, but help them understand people who are different. And at a time when our LGBTQ+ communities are under increased attack across this country, we must use stories to educate. The goal is not only for our children to be academically smart, but also emotionally intelligent. I thank Attorney General James for hosting this event that clearly says New York City is the place where you can be yourself and love who you want.”


Emotional intelligence from a drag show for children? That’s a new reason. What a load of malarkey.

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