Hmmm. Is Senator Tim Scott going to run for president?

AP Photo/Mic Smith

He’s making all the right moves. Senator Tim Scott’s colleagues are voicing their support for him to throw his hat in the ring in the GOP 2024 presidential primary. It’s an interesting idea.


Senator Scott (R-SC) is receiving support from mainstream Republicans like Joni Ernst (R-IA) and John Barrasso (R-WY) and even fellow South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is waiting to see “what Tim does” before he makes any endorsements. Graham basically attached himself to the hip of Donald Trump so that’s a bit of a surprise. Trump has already announced his candidacy. Only one senator has endorsed him so far – Senator Tommy Tuberville. Trump endorsed Tuberville in 2020.

Scott would “bring something to the table on day one,” Graham said, adding his South Carolina colleague has “one of the most compelling stories of any Republican out there.”

Tim Scott won a massive reelection victory this year and he has been raising his national profile. He raises substantial campaign dollars and he travels around the country for other candidates. All the right moves. He’s the only black Republican senator.

The South Carolinian carved out a unique lane in the GOP, well-liked by mainstream leaders like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell but never publicly at odds with Trump world, even when he’s offered halted criticism of the former president. And as the only Black Republican senator, he’d offer his party a compelling chance to build on its long-running effort to boost diverse candidate recruitment by further appealing to Democratic-leaning constituencies.

Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.) thinks some of Trump’s recent missteps are encouraging others to think about running. Trump entered the primary contest very early, before the last run-off race was over, and that may have been in order to clear the field early. He behaves as though he expects a coronation, not a primary battle. And, frankly, it’s hard to believe that Trump is really serious about the race right now. How does a man who used to be the leader of the free world not have competent staff around him who would vet potential dining partners? Or staff that are willing to speak up and tell Trump when something is not a good idea? He once said he’d only hire the very best people. Those around him now have not proven to be the best and brightest.


There are no reports of Scott saying he intends to run, or that he is thinking about running, so all of this is pure speculation right now. That’s part of the fun during this part of the pre-presidential primary stage, though, right? For political junkies, it’s a time to think about who could run and who shouldn’t run. As I look forward to the 2024 presidential primary, I know it will be a tough primary, especially if Trump is involved, because the party has not unified enough to guarantee victory yet. Hopefully that will come at the end of the primary season – one candidate will capture the imagination of Republicans and Republican-leaning voters and the party will unite. Otherwise, we get four more years off Joe Biden, or whatever Democrat is at the top of the ballot. (I’m still not convinced it will be Sleepy Joe.)

Senator Scott would fit the bill for a fresh face, fresh blood, new ideas, and he’s not 70 plus years old. There are other Republicans who fit that description, too. Others who fit that description have already ruled themselves out.

And that’s not counting other prospective candidates such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley — who appointed Scott to the Senate in 2013 — and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Though it’ll be months before more candidates start showing their cards, Scott’s colleagues still think he has a shot.

Scott “is increasing in national prominence and [within] the party,” said Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.). “I want to see what the first quarter shapes up to be in terms of people. Anyone who is serious about it is probably going to make a decision by the end of April. … Having somebody like Tim in the mix is positive for Republicans.”

It’s not clear who in the GOP conference will actually follow through on a White House bid. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) ruled one out recently. Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said on the Hugh Hewitt Show Tuesday that he has “no plans” to run for president and instead is focused on his Senate reelection. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) also recently said he didn’t intend to make a run in 2024.

In 2016, four sitting senators ran for president: Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Graham. Cruz has demurred when questioned about 2024. Asked if he was considering a 2024 bid, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said he’s focused on getting ready for the new Congress, fresh off his reelection.

“I’ve run for president before. I know what it entails, and I’ve been clear I’ve been interested in the past, so we’ll see how I feel about that in a few weeks or a few months,” the Floridian said.


The point is that Republicans have a deep bench. Democrats? Not so much.

Did Tim Scott show his hand recently about a possible presidential run?

Tim Scott recently spoke at the Republican Jewish Coalition, along with other potential 2024 candidates, and during his victory speech upon winning reelection, he made a thinly veiled comment about a try for the White House.

“My grandfather voted for the first man of color to be elected as president of the United States. I wish he had lived long enough to see, perhaps, another man of color elected president of the United States,” Scott said, adding that “this time, let it be a Republican and not just a Democrat.”

You be the judge.

Trump teased a ‘major announcement’ with a superhero cartoon video today.

Stay tuned.

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