DHS Secretary Mayorkas told to resign or be impeached

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

Kevin McCarthy is working hard to earn the votes necessary to become Speaker of the House. At least that is the impression he is giving. On Tuesday he took a Congressional delegation to the southern border to talk with Border Patrol agents and other law enforcement on the ground who deal with the Biden border crisis every day.


McCarthy went to El Paso, an area hard hit by illegal immigrants, and put DHS Secretary Mayorkas on notice. He told Mayorkas to resign or face Congressional investigations after the Republican majority comes into office in January which may lead to his impeachment. McCarthy called a press conference and, as usual, when I checked only Fox was carrying it. The other cable networks show no interest in covering the Biden border crisis unless the administration is fabricating a hoax like Whipgate and falsely accusing Border Patrol agents of abusive behavior towards illegal immigrants. Then, when the investigations proved that there was no unprofessional abuse directed at the illegal immigrants, there were no apologies issued by those who slandered the agents or reports of back pay from suspensions. McCarthy said enough is enough.

“His actions have produced the great wave of illegal immigration in recorded history,” McCarthy said at a press conference in El Paso, Texas, during a tour of the southern border. “This is why today I am calling on the secretary to resign.”

“He cannot and must not remain in that position,” he said. “If Secretary Mayorkas does not resign, House Republicans will investigate every order, every action and every failure to determine whether we can begin an impeachment inquiry.”

“The American public deserves more, deserves better and expects more within their government. Enough is enough. We will do whatever it takes,” he said.


This comes as a surprise to absolutely no one. Republicans have been talking about the Biden border crisis since it began just before his inauguration. Biden campaigned on ending deportations, blanket amnesty, and abandoning the rule of law at the southern border and those wishing to come to the United States took him up on the implied invitation. The rest is history.

The unprecedented number of illegal immigrants crossing the border is being ignored by the Biden administration because it is an intentional invasion. What else would you call it? There are too many to process because resources – personnel and financial – are limited. So, they are released into the country, sometimes with instructions to check in with ICE when they get to where they are going. What could possibly go wrong?

It’s all intentional. The five million illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern border since Joe Biden’s term began did not just happen. This was the plan all along. Last week Chuck Schumer said the quiet part out loud. He said that in the lame duck session, the Senate will take up blanket amnesty for all illegal aliens in our country. Not just the Dreamers, who are usually the ones talked about when amnesty comes up, but everyone. Schumer casually said that it may be 11 million people but he’s not sure of the actual number. That’s one of the problems – no one knows how many there are. Of the recorded apprehensions at the border, the totals don’t include those who are gotaways, the ones who ran instead of turning themselves in to law enforcement. And, most who come are coming to find jobs, which is not a legit reason to grant asylum as current immigration laws are written.


Schumer conveniently waited until after the mid-term elections to announce his agenda. Democrats have had complete control of Washington for two years and yet never broached this subject until just now.

McCarthy said that the hearings into Mayorkas’ management of the southern border will be held on the border, which is an excellent idea. Let the White House call it political theatre. The fact is that it will be rather difficult for Mayorkas to continue to lie and claim that the southern border is secure and not wide open when he is on the border himself, among the very Border Patrol agents who deal with the border day in and day out.

Title 42 is coming to an end next month and that means there will be an explosion of additional apprehensions at the border, if Border Patrol agents can keep up. Joe Biden was determined to end all of Trump’s border policies and agreements in order to show how humane he is towards illegal immigrants. The Biden border crisis is anything but humane. It is a humanitarian crisis. It is a dereliction of duty by the president, whose primary job is to secure the borders, protect America’s sovereignty. Mayorkas says he has a plan for when Title 42 (a program put in place at the recommendation of the CDC) ends. We’ll believe it when we see it. So far he has shown no ability to control anything. He looks people in the eye and says that the border is secure when he knows that is a lie. Who would trust his word now?


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called McCarthy’s trip to the border a political stunt. Because that is all she has. There is nothing worthwhile she can say that the administration is doing on the border so she has to mock lawmakers who are trying to do something. She said they have no plans but the first action will be to begin investigations and try to remove the secretary. That is how it’s done in the business world – a failing manager is fired and replaced. So, yes, that is something.

“I’ve heard that Kevin McCarthy is at the border, and the question we have for Kevin McCarthy–who’s soon to be Speaker McCarthy–is, what is his plan? What is he doing to help the situation that we’re seeing?” Jean-Pierre began. “He goes down there, and he does a political stunt like many Republicans do, but he is not actually putting forth a plan.”

The White House is supposed to have the plan, KJP. Republicans aren’t in control of anything right now. They are organizing, though, and soon some will be held accountable for some of the crises created by Sleepy Joe and his administration. I certainly appreciate the fact that McCarthy is talking about impeachment in order to get rid of Mayorkas but the one problem with that is he is doing Joe Biden’s bidding. He’s following orders from the White House. He would be replaced by someone equally as bad. The solution is to fire Joe Biden in 2024 and get a Republican president in the White House who values border security and American sovereignty, as well as the rule of law. Let Congress fight over reforming immigration law but the border has to be secured first before anything else happens.


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