Nantucket Airport alerts police to a possible migrant plane scheduled for arrival

AP Photo/Gregory Bull, File

The people of Nantucket are so freaked out about the possibility of a migrant flight arriving on its island that an apparent false alarm set off a panic among employees at the Nantucket Memorial Airport. The Nantucket Memorial Airport warned the Nantucket Police Department that a scheduled flight had similarities with the flights that landed in Martha’s Vineyard. This charter flight is scheduled to arrive on Tuesday in Nantucket.


Fear not. If it proves to be true, which is highly doubtful, the Nantucket Police Department has a plan in place to deal with the illegal aliens.

In a statement posted to the town’s website, police said dispatchers were contacted by officials at Nantucket Memorial Airport Operations about the flight. “The purpose of the call was to inform the Nantucket Police Department that the reported scheduled flight had many similarities to the flight and incident that occurred on Martha’s Vineyard,” police wrote.

Once the police contacted the charter plane company it soon became clear that the flight was a business flight with a group out of Chicago. Nonetheless, the press release from the town officials set of a wave of reporting all across the country. Good heavens. Remember, only 50 illegal aliens arrived on Martha’s Vineyard, not the thousands that come across the border each week in border states.

But in the hours after release went public, numerous associates of a business person who had, in fact, planned a charter flight from Chicago to Nantucket on Tuesday reached out to the Current. The private plane coming from the Windy City will be carrying a group from an investment company to Nantucket for a meeting and a little R&R – not migrants – they said.

These associates – who asked to remain anonymous – are based both on Nantucket and off-island, and they told the Current the business person who chartered the plane was dumbfounded that a press release had been issued drawing attention to the flight.

The N-number of the incoming flight carrying the group from the investment company – which an FAA official confirmed was the same N-number that set off the entire episode resulting in the press release being issued – belongs to a Dornier jet that will be arriving on Tuesday.


Even though they issued a press release on Saturday, Nantucket Police Department Lt. Angus MacVicar admitted,“this isn’t that big of a deal.” No, it isn’t. 50 people arriving in a vacation resort town in the off-season isn’t a big deal. However, the flood of migrants arriving in border communities each and every day is a big deal.

What is the plan if another plane brings in more illegal aliens? They will be sent to Joint Base Cape Cod, the military facility that the governor sent the other migrants to under the supervision of the National Guard.

“In the event there is an arrival of a plane carrying migrants, the Nantucket Police Department and many other Town departments have a detailed plan to manage such a situation,” the press release issued on Saturday stated.

Nantucket Police Chief Bill Pittman said that plan would entail housing, feeding, and providing services for the migrants for a short period of time before they would be transferred to Joint Base Cape Cod, similar to what happened with the migrants that landed on Martha’s Vineyard.


The virtue-signaling limousine liberals are locking up the brown people. The yammering about inclusivity and open borders only lasts as long as they are not personally affected. Once people show up in their neighborhoods, suddenly law and order is the rule of the day. Give them a bowl of cereal and put them on a bus to Cape Cod. Be sure to hug them good-bye and speak a little high school Spanish to them for the cameras, too. It’s all so predictable.

The progressive left is utterly freaked-out that red state governors are doing what they said they would do. The buses are not stopping until the Biden administration does its job. The buses to NYC and Washington, D.C. and Chicago will continue. Democrats remained silent as the Biden administration flew migrants, including unaccompanied minors, to New York or other states in the dead of night to relieve the overcrowding at the border. All it took was 50 migrants flying into Martha’s Vineyard to expose the hypocrisy of the progressive left.

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