Biden voted in Delaware in Tuesday's primary and taxpayers paid for it

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

It may sound like a silly story but I think it tracks with what else was going on Tuesday at the White House. Joe Biden and Jill hopped on Air Force One Tuesday evening and flew back to Delaware so that they could cast their votes in the primary. Under normal circumstances that might not seem like such a big deal. But the First Couple did it Tuesday and it was just another example of just how out-of-touch the president is from ordinary Americans.


Granted, any time the president does something, it turns into a production due to security protection. In this case, Biden’s trip to Delaware to vote put American taxpayers on the hook for a round trip flight on Air Force One, two motorcades, and local police protection. It all adds up.

The exact cost of Biden’s trip to Delaware is unclear, but the Air Force revealed in 2014 that the average cost per flying hour (CPFH) of the Presidential Boeing 747 was $206,337. Biden took the smaller Boeing 757 version of AF1 on the trip, however, according to Bloomberg.

Estimates have claimed that the average cost of travel for a U.S. president is roughly $2,600 per minute.

That cost guesstimate is likely out of date now. A White House reporter put out a higher number which is probably more realistic in today’s economy.

Even friend o’ Democrats, Jeb Bush, noticed the extravagance, and the big carbon footprint just to cast a vote in a primary. I mean, we hear about climate change and all that the Democrats are doing to save the planet (it’s all a lie) just about every time Joe Biden delivers a speech, right? He’s as big of a hypocrite as any Hollywood celeb or billionaire.


Joe Biden is utterly clueless. He didn’t even answer that reporter as to why he was flying back to Delaware to vote because he knows he doesn’t have to. The press doesn’t hold him accountable for anything. Joe Biden is president, by God, and he’ll do as he wishes. Joe and Jill left Washington about 6 p.m. and flew back at 8 p.m. It was an unnecessary and pricey two hours for American taxpayers.

The better option would be to vote absentee. Previous presidents have traditionally done that, especially in mid-term election primaries.

President Barack Obama voted absentee in both the 2010 and 2014 Illinois Democratic primaries, and former President Donald Trump also voted absentee in the 2018 and 2020 general elections, according to Bloomberg.

Democrats are all about mail-in ballots, right? That is what they’ve been saying in recent voting cycles. They would like for states to go to all mail-in ballots and some have. Whatever happened to saving democracy, Joe?

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre defended President Biden’s extravagant trip home to vote. It’s her job and on a good day she struggles to articulate a decent answer to just about any question. She didn’t cover herself in glory on this one, either.

“The president has a very heavy schedule. He’s the president of the United States. It worked out best for him to vote yesterday, to vote on Tuesday,” Jean-Pierre told reporters aboard Air Force One en route to Detroit. “He thought it was important to exercise his constitutional right to vote, as I just mentioned, and set an example by showing the importance of voting.”

“He also had the opportunity to say hello to poll workers and thank them for their work, and we know how under attack poll workers have been these past several years,” Jean-Pierre added.

“I think by the president going to vote, that sends a very strong message to the American public,” Jean-Pierre said Wednesday.


She was on Air Force One going to Detroit with Biden this morning. Biden will get to drive an $80,000 electric vehicle, it’s being reported, and he’ll encourage everyone to buy one. That’s the ticket, Joe. Americans are struggling to balance filling up a grocery cart and filling up their gas tanks but sure, an electric vehicle will solve everything.

The state auditor race was the main statewide race on the Delaware ballot. But Sleepy Joe got to say hello to election workers so, there you go. No one is looking to the president as an example of a person who exercises his right to vote. We know the president votes. Usually we see it on television as they cast a vote.

The most obnoxious mistake the Biden administration did on Tuesday was holding a mission accomplished party on the White House lawn to celebrate the Inflation Reduction Bill. The bill does no such thing but Nancy Pelosi says it is beautifully named. San Fran Gran addressed the crowd and sang the praises of Joe Biden. Evidently the crowd, all Democrats, weren’t feeling the same enthusiasm as she was because she had her own “Please clap” moment.

“Mr. President, thank you for unifying and inspiring a vision of a stronger, fairer, safer future for all our children. Your extraordinary leadership has made this glorious day possible,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi reminded the audience to cheer.

“That’s an applause line,” she said.

Audience members then clamored in response. After the apparent stumble, Pelosi regained momentum and continued touting the signature legislation.


Oh, brother.

At least the musical entertainment was appropriate, though accidentally so. James Taylor performed “Fire and Rain” for the crowd as the DOW’s worst day since June 2020 ended. The economic news Tuesday was bad, bad, bad, but Democrats partied and cheered themselves. Bidenflation is a disaster for all Americans, especially low-income and working class Americans. The numbers don’t lie.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024