Politico: Biden's senior adviser for migration heads for the exit

Townhall Media/Julio Rosas

Another senior adviser to the president is leaving after only a few months on the job. Tyler Moran, the senior adviser for migration in the Biden administration, is leaving at the end of January. This scoop came from Politico last night. Moran’s resignation raises eyebrows because she has only been on the job since July.


Kamala Harris is supposed to be overseeing the Biden border crisis, as we all know. She is failing spectacularly to do whatever it is she is doing if anything, to secure the border. All we get from her is a talking point that she is working to address the root causes of illegal migration to the United States. The administration and Kamala’s office are desperately trying to get some good press for her. Yesterday, before this latest resignation from a senior person working on migration issues, Kamala made an announcement that several top international businesses pledged $1.2 billion in commitments to support the economies and social infrastructure of Central American nations. Kamala touts this squeeze on major corporations as a success in addressing root causes of migration. I’ll get to that announcement in a moment.

Tyler Moran was always expected to only remain in her job for a few months, according to the White House explanation for her short time on the job. When Moran replaced Biden’s first special adviser for migration, Amy Pope, in July, Pope’s stay in the position was also described as temporary. At the time Moran replaced Pope, Moran was the special assistant to the President for Immigration for the Domestic Policy Council. The White House said that Moran would “focus on implementing the President’s commitment to a well-managed border and a fair and orderly immigration system.”


Are we to believe that her work is done here? Is the border secure and well-managed? Is there a fair and orderly immigration system? Those are rhetorical questions that spring to mind because we know that none of that has been accomplished. Why does the Biden administration continue to hire people for this top position on such a hot button issue on a temporary basis? Can’t they find anyone anywhere who can do the job? Hiring temporary people shows a lack of seriousness in addressing the Biden border crisis, which I have often mentioned. This administration is not serious in securing the southern border and allowing illegal migrants in to the United States is a deliberate action.

Clearly, the Biden administration is having some real difficulty in retaining people at the top levels to deal with the Biden border crisis. Roberta Jacobson was Biden’s first border czar (though he allegedly gave that job to Kamala) and she left in April. Mid and low-level aides have also left. Now the White House says they don’t have a replacement for Moran but think that her six-week notice gives them time to find one. Which produces the question of why they don’t have someone lined up to take her place if they knew from the start that Moran was only staying a few months? They are not serious about this issue.


The Biden administration remains in a reactive posture in dealing with the southern border, not a proactive stance.

Biden’s chief domestic policy adviser Susan Rice issued a statement. “Tyler has been an invaluable member of our team since the transition and a tremendous asset in our effort to rebuild a fair and humane immigration system.” Maybe so but nothing seems to have changed during the course of her tenure in the administration.

Kamala is looking for some good publicity these days as her poll numbers continue to sink. She has a lower favorability rating than Biden does, which, at this point, is saying something. So she announced that several international businesses have agreed to help out with those root causes she keeps talking about during discussions on illegal migration. The fact of the matter is that these causes have been around for decades and every administration talks about them as they deal with illegal immigration at the southern border. But, with the disaster of Biden’s border crisis at historically high levels of illegal migration due to some bone-headed policy decisions, instead of actually doing something, Kamala talks in vague and general terms. She is clueless, frankly, and unable to rise to the challenge. So, like a good Democrat, she hit up some major corporations for money to throw at the problem to the tune of $1.2B.


In May, Harris appealed to the private sector to invest in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras in an effort to improve stability and opportunity in the Central American countries. Monday’s announcement builds on that “call to action,” as she announces new commitments and encourages other companies to continue their investment.

Among the new initiatives announced Monday are a push by Nespresso to support coffee-growing in Honduras and El Salvador, a Microsoft initiative to connect millions of people to the Internet and a $100 million commitment to the region by Mastercard to promote digital payments and e-commerce.

In the past, money sent to Northern Triangle countries doesn’t find its way to the people who need help. Corruption is rampant and the political class ends up with most of it. This may be a feel-good moment for the businesses responding to Kamala’s ask but there really isn’t any reason to think that this time anything will be any different than in the past. Perhaps Honduras’ first female president will turn things around for her country. Kamala’s office released a statement on Saturday, a day after she called to congratulate her on the victory.

Yesterday, Vice President Kamala Harris called and congratulated Xiomara Castro on her historic victory as Honduras’ first female president. They discussed their shared interest in addressing the root causes of migration, including by increasing economic opportunity, combatting corruption, addressing security threats, and improving access to health and education. They committed to working together and deepening the partnership between the United States and Honduras.


In her remarks announcing the commitments from the businesses, Kamala said it’s not about the United States telling the countries involved what to do. She spoke in general terms about being partners and “helping to facilitate the natural desire of the people in these nations.” Word salad.

She said the investments came from seven companies, including PepsiCo, Mastercard and Cargill, and will go toward boosting the economies and social infrastructure in countries where immigration is most pronounced. Harris issued a call to action in May to assist El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

“Six months ago, we had a commitment of $750 million,” she said Monday during a meeting with executives. “Today, we have a commitment of over $1.2 billion.

“This is not about us coming in and telling anyone what they should do. It is about being partners and assisting and helping to facilitate the natural desire of the people in these nations. This is important work. This is good work. I think it reflects the best of who we are as the United States recognizing our responsibility as neighbors to these countries in the Western Hemisphere.”

PepsiCo said it plans to designate $190 million for investments in Central America, including improving manufacturing plants. Cargill, meanwhile, plans to invest $150 million in farming operations in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Parkdale Mills said it will build a $150 million yarn spinning site in Honduras.


I guess now we’ll wait to see who Biden chooses next to help Kamala with illegal migration and border issues on a temporary basis. No one seems to want to stick around long enough to actually see some results.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024