“Life of Linda”: White House cartoon propaganda promotes Build Back Better child care subsidies

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Remember the “Life of Julia” campaign during the Obama administration? It was a cartoonish slide show of a single woman’s life and how great it would be if only Obama’s progressive economic policies were in place. It was classic cradle-to-grave propaganda. Instead of understanding how ridiculous that propaganda campaign was, the Biden White House is doing its own version. This one is called “Life of Linda” and she’s a pregnant woman who will benefit from tax credits and taxpayer subsidies for daycare and universal pre-K.


Biden is desperate for a major win for his legislative agenda. He can’t even get all the Democrats behind him, much less any Republicans. The social spending reconciliation bill isn’t even written yet because wrangling is still going on in order to get the support needed to pass it. Yet, Biden is heading off to the G20 meeting and the COP26 climate change summit in Europe leaving everything up in the air today. The reconciliation bill is supposed to contain lots of funding for climate change fantasies. He will go to Glasgow without anything to point to, though, if Congress doesn’t vote on a reconciliation bill before the summit begins next week. Remember, the bill isn’t even written yet.

Biden spoke about a framework on the bill, something he expects the Speaker of the House to work with to bring a bill to a vote. It’s all crazy gobbledygook but it’s what we’ve come to expect for this administration and Congress. One major item on the Build Back Better wish list is subsidized childcare. Progressives are trying to mandate higher pay for childcare workers. One chart shows the demands from Democrats putting the pay in line with teachers in elementary and secondary schools, up to $60,000 per year. An analyst said the quiet part out loud – by limiting subsidies to only one group and not all families, the middle class ends up with dramatically increased costs for childcare.


For a government, solving these problems is pretty simple. You can pass a law that mandates higher wages for childcare workers and then use public money to fund the childcare sector rather than rely upon user fees. This gets you lower (or no) costs for parents, higher pay for workers, and reduces (or eliminates) the negative shocks and horizontal asymmetries that come from funding the childcare system with out-of-pocket fees.

This is how the K-12 system works and how the Democrats’ proposed pre-K system works. But it is not how the Democrats’ proposed childcare system works.

The Democrats’ childcare proposal mandates higher wages for childcare workers but then does not follow through on the public subsidies for all families. The result will be a massive increase in childcare fees for families with incomes slightly above their state’s median income.

That’s the dirty little secret that rarely gets discussed. When Democrats push programs and “freebies” to low-income people, it’s the middle-class taxpayers who suffer. In this case, it’s childcare. This analysis isn’t coming from a conservative source, it’s a liberal one. If the pay for childcare workers increases by 138% due to the mandate, the estimated increased cost of childcare is $13,082 per year. The average price for unsubsidized childcare goes from $15,888 to $28,970 per year. Where do middle-class families find that money?


We are in a time of increased inflation. The economy is not growing at a quick clip, though Team Biden says otherwise. Numbers don’t lie. The last thing parents want to worry about is another item increase in their budgets.

Here’s the thing – the Biden administration’s propaganda leaves out an important piece of this puzzle. Where’s the child’s father in this picture? The single greatest tool against poverty is an intact family. Get an education, get married, then have a baby. Those three steps make for successful lives. In today’s woke world, the statistics of single women having babies is enough to make your jaw drop. One report released in 2020 shows that as of 2018, the number of black out of wedlock births was highest, with those for Asian Americans the lowest.

For blacks, the number is 69.4 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, 68.2 percent (Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders were at 50.4 percent); for Hispanics, 51.8 percent; for whites, 28.2 percent; and for Asian Americans, a paltry 11.7 percent.

That’s not to say that some fathers don’t step up and pay support to single mothers. They do. The government pushing cradle to grave economic policies to keep people reliant on it is the downfall of any society. Governmental control rarely ends once it increases. Federalizing childcare with education coming next is not the way to help families. Progressives think differently. The more government intervention into the lives of families, the better.


“The Build Back Better child care and universal pre-K proposal will dramatically lower child care costs for the vast majority of working families, make child care more available to every single family and also ensure that child care workers are paid a livable wage,” Senate HELP Chair Patty Murray (D-Wash.) said. “This proposal will mark a foundational shift in how our country supports working parents — and I’m fighting hard to get it across the finish line.”

Supporters of the child care plan fear the report, which they say was based on a misunderstanding of the bill text, will confuse the public as the White House and congressional leaders struggle to reach final agreement on what policies will be included in Democrats’ spending package, a Democratic aide said.

“People are nervous because everyone’s on tenterhooks as this package shrinks and people are negotiating what’s in and what’s out,” said Melissa Boteach, vice president of income security, child care and early learning at the National Women’s Law Center.

If a traditional family is too conservative a way to go to combat financial difficulties for single women, how about an economic atmosphere that nurtures job opportunities and economic opportunities for everyone? That is something the government can do. Stop over-regulating industries, cut the red tape for small businesses, lower corporate taxes to allow companies to grow and hire more people. These are all proven ways for all boats to lift. Think of the booming economy we enjoyed during the previous administration before the coronavirus pandemic shut everything down. A businessman in the White House had its advantages. Politicians who have never been in the private sector don’t have the same perspective. It is compassionate to provide opportunities for people to work and take care of their families, not be beholden to government checks.


Our sister site, Twitchy, offers some takes on the Build Back Better propaganda. No dads necessary, apparently, in Biden’s world, and the creepiness of the Russian or NoKo level of propaganda is real.

And, sometimes that “free money” backfires.

By the way, did you notice Linda has a name for her unborn child? Does the existence of “Leo” mean that he isn’t just a clump of cells or something? Is the White House admitting that an unborn baby is human life?

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