Biden calls for unity as he goes down to Georgia to campaign for two far-left Democrats

Joe Biden is going to Georgia to campaign for Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. His goal is to get Georgia Democrats out to vote, in-person early voting having started yesterday. The common consensus is that the race between Senator Kelly Loeffler and Raphael Warnock will be a close one, as will the race between Senator David Perdue and Jon Ossoff. The political reality in Georgia perfectly sums up how the Democrat Party is struggling to keep all factions of the party happy.


Biden delivered his second speech declaring victory in the presidential election last night after the electoral college held its votes Monday. Joe Biden ran a campaign from his basement as a unifier, a man with political experience who can work with both Republicans and Democrats. He tries his best to conjure up visions of the good old days in The Swamp when there was little difference between Republicans and Democrats. Biden pines for the days when politicians could battle about issues in the Senate and then go out for a drink or dinner at the end of the day. Those days are long gone and all the wishful words delivered by Joe Biden will not bring them back, certainly not during his term in the White House.

During his second victory speech, he took the opportunity to praise American democracy and the voters’ desire to participate in the November election in record numbers. Then he went on to trash President Trump for exercising his right to pursue his options to contest the election results. Though plenty of irregularities have been exposed from the November election, Biden says the election process has maintained “integrity”. He calls for the country to unite and turn the page.

“In this battle for the soul of America, democracy prevailed,” the president-elect declared, in a speech carried live by all of the leading television broadcast networks and the three major national cable TV news networks. “We the People voted. Faith in our institutions held. The integrity of our elections remains intact.”

In his most forceful language to date, Biden described the president’s persistent efforts to reverse the election results as an “unprecedented assault on our democracy.”


An assault on our democracy, Joe? That is a standard talking point from the left and from Never Trumpers but it’s easy to argue that Trump taking advantage of the legal challenges to the election results is democracy in action. You can criticize the litigious nature of Trump and his lawyers but he exercised his right to challenge the vote totals in important battleground states. I think Joe Biden should get used to being treated by Trump supporters as Democrats have treated President Trump for the past four years. To act as though the post-election days after the November 2016 presidential election went smoothly is to re-write history. Hillary Clinton took her sweet time in conceding the election and then led the charge that Trump was a Russian asset, his victory came at the hands of Putin. The very next day after the election, women in pink pussy hats took to the streets of Washington, D.C., and in cities across America to proclaim that Donald Trump was not their president. So, spare us the fuzzy recollections of past elections, particularly the most recent ones.

Biden trashed Republican lawmakers who signed on to the Texas lawsuit, a Hail Mary last-ditch attempt on behalf of Trump that the Supreme Court refused to hear.

Biden also mocked the scores of Republican elected officials who supported the president’s efforts to overturn the election.

“President Trump was denied no course of action he wanted to take,” Biden said. “He took his case to Republican governors and Republican secretaries of state . . . to Republican state legislatures, to Republican-appointed judges at every level. Even President Trump’s own cybersecurity chief overseeing our elections said it was the most secure election in American history.”


Biden will not unify the country because he simply doesn’t have it in him. He’s old and frail and can only deliver 13-minute speeches from a teleprompter, as this speech was, and even then he garbles his words. He has to cave to the far-left because he needs their support and he is beholden to them for their votes. He promised the moon to them and now he’s expected to pay up. In order to flip the Senate into Democrat control, he needs both Warnock and Ossoff to win their run-off elections.

Ossoff is a limousine liberal, a trust fund baby who is enamored with socialism. He is all about total government control and the taxpayers picking up the check. Warnock is a minister and a far-left radical who supports Louis Farrakhan and calls Republicans “thugs and murderers” for passing the 2017 tax cuts.

Democrats in Georgia have organized and registered voters as a top priority in hopes of flipping the state back into a blue state. Biden was the first Democrat presidential candidate to win Georgia since 1992.

Biden’s campaign, together with the Democratic National Committee, has steered about $5 million to Democrats’ coordinated campaign in the state. The money is paying for about 50 campaign staffers, including many focused on suburbs and smaller cities where Biden outperformed usual Democratic marks. The Biden campaign and the national party also have raised about $10 million directly for Ossoff and Warnock.

But Biden’s biggest impact could be vouching for Ossoff and Warnock. The general election results show why the two could benefit from riding Biden’s coattails.

Biden topped all candidates on Georgia’s November ballot with nearly 2,475,000 votes, finishing about 12,000 ahead of Trump out of 5 million ballots cast. Perdue finished with about the same number of votes as Trump and led Ossoff by about 88,000 votes, meaning Ossoff ran about 100,000 votes behind Biden.


So, with Ossoff and Warnock’s record of bomb-throwing radical remarks, how does Joe Biden justify campaigning for them? Simple. It’s solely because he is desperate for control of the Senate. His pledge to unify the country and work with both sides of the aisle is just campaign trail rhetoric. Remember, Biden was a driving force to push Obamacare through Congress on a one-party vote and then famously was caught on a microphone crowing to Obama that it was a big effing deal at the signing ceremony. He’s as big of a partisan hack as the rest of them. Will any reporter on the road with Biden today ask questions about comments from either Democrat, especially those of Warnock? Of course, they won’t because they plan to cover for Status Quo Joe for the next four years. He’s their guy.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024