Trump receives fourth nomination for Nobel Peace Prize

Is the fourth time the charm? President Trump has received a fourth nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize. The latest nomination falls into the 2021 award process. The 2020 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded and though he was nominated three times, it was not presented to President Trump.


The World Food Programme won the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize. The program received the award for fighting hunger as a “weapon of war”. Also cited was its “contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas.”

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, which presented the award in Oslo on Friday, also described the organization as “a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict.”

In awarding the prize, committee chair Berit Reiss-Andersen noted the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on global food supplies and criticized the politics of populism.

Villagers collect food aid dropped from a World Food Programme plane to a village in Ayod county, South Sudan, in February 2020.

The WFP, a United Nations entity, was created in 1961 and today provides food to over 100 million people a year.

Executive director David Beasley was so happy, he said he was speechless. “It’s the first time in my life I’ve actually been speechless, I really can’t believe it,” he told CNN’s Connect the World from Niger.


A Finnish member of the European Parliament (MEP) nominated President Trump for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. She specifically cites his aversion to endless wars and the peace agreements negotiated by his administration.

Laura Huhtasaari, an MEP and a member of the right-wing Finns Party, wrote to the Nobel Committee to nominate Trump for the 2021 prize “in recognition of his endeavors to end the era of endless wars, construct peace by encouraging conflicting parties for dialogue and negotiations, as well as underpin internal cohesion and stability of his country.”

Huhtasaari said Trump has nearly completed a presidential term without involving the U.S. in a new foreign conflict, while withdrawing troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. She also cited the Abraham Accords — peace deals between two Arab Gulf nations and Israel.

Additionally, she said Trump has “maintained national cohesion and secured law and order” at home.

“It is hard to imagine a president of the United States from the last decades, or a current head of state, who would deserve more the Committee’s recognition in 2021 than President Trump for his efforts to build peace in the world,” Huhtasaari writes.

The Finnish lawmaker is right – Trump’s peace deals deserve to be rewarded. Imagine how the world would view his administration’s accomplishments if they were achieved by a different president, especially someone like Barack Obama who was awarded the prize for simply winning the presidential election. But, Trump is more populist in his political ideology than anything else and that will not fly with the Nobel Peace Prize committee. Globalists don’t like populism.


All four of Trump’s nominations have come from Europeans. The first was from a Norwegian Parliament member. That nomination was for the peace deal between Israel and the UAE. Just days after that nomination, a Swedish Parliament member nominated Trump for the normalization deal between Serbia and Kosovo. A member of Finland’s Parliament nominated Trump, Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu, and Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of the Israel-Bahrain deal. And, just last month, three members of the European Parliament submitted a resolution to call on the E.U. to nominate Trump for the prize. Funny, Democrats and Never Trumpers keep telling us that the world hates Trump and America’s reputation abroad has been destroyed by him.

Trump was elected as a candidate who promised he would not involve America in foreign wars, using a more isolationist way of governing and bringing troops home. He has successfully destroyed ISIS. He made good on his promise to move the American embassy to Jerusalem. He has had more success in bringing home Americans being held hostage overseas than any president in my lifetime. He is seeing the success of his administration’s work for peaceful alliances in the Middle East come true. Say what you will about his demeanor and his personality, his way is working. He should be acknowledged for his success.


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