April Ryan fangirls Kamala over her spot on ticket: "It sends chills through me"

It wasn’t quite as cringe-worthy as when MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said he got a thrill up his leg over Barack Obama but it was pretty darn close. April Ryan, White House correspondent, and D.C. bureau chief for American Urban Radio Networks, as well as a CNN political analyst, is beyond excited that Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris for his running mate.


Ryan, like lots of other people, is confined to working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic. She has been doing a series of “COVID conversations” on Instagram for her followers. For Monday’s chat, her guest was Kamala Harris. The conversation began with small talk that included Ryan’s compliments on Kamala’s choice of footwear on the campaign trail. Kamala mentioned she was speaking from her Washington, D.C. headquarters on the campus of Howard University. And, Ryan even brought in her two daughters, ages 12 and 13, to say hello.

Once all that was finished, as I checked my glucose level, April Ryan went right to the subject on everyone’s mind. She asked Kalama “What is the Democrat Party doing to thwart this (Trump’s) nomination?” Being a politician running in a big election, Kamala began her answer by touting herself. She said, “I was elected to two offices as the first woman and the first black person.” She went on to say she speaks as a member of the Senate and the Senate Judiciary Committee, as well as the vice-presidential nominee. And finally cutting to the chase, she said, “The American people will elect a president in 43 days. That person should choose the replacement.” At that time, Ryan jumped in to mention the “Garland Precedent”, which isn’t a thing. It’s really all the Democrats and their useful idiots in the media have on the subject. They know the president is well within his constitutional rights to make a nomination to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in fact, it is his constitutional obligation.


If Biden were to be able to choose a replacement, he has made a promise to appoint a black woman to the lifetime gig. Kamala assured Ryan that “Joe’s gonna keep his word.” and she spoke of how grateful she is that Biden had “the audacity” to ask a black woman to be his running mate.

There was talk of the pandemic, with both pointing fingers at the Trump administration, President Trump in particular, as the reason “black America is suffering.” She launched into reciting some numbers that prove, in her mind, that claim. Blacks are 3 times more likely to get COVID-19 and die twice as often than others. She said Biden will reform health care, if elected, and suddenly we were in 2009 again. If Joe Biden wants to run on the Democrats’ unprecedented power grab of destroying an industry that made up 1/6 of the national economy at the time of the Obama administration, that’s the campaign’s choice. However, many of us are old enough to remember how the ACA increased insurance prices, narrowed choices of doctors, and even turned out to provide Barack Obama with a fact-check that called his promise of how great Obamacare will be as the Lie of the Year. Sure, run on that, Joe. Kamala classlessly refered to Attorney General Bill Barr as “Trump’s boy” because he is pursuing legal action on behalf of the administration against the ACA.


Kamala mentioned the Woodward book when Ryan asked about the proposed national mask mandate by Biden. She used a quote from the book that I have not seen told before, so she may have just made it up – “If you’re with us you don’t wear a mask. If you’re with them you wear a mask.” She bashed Trump for making the coronavirus political, though Democrats do that. While she and April were busy agreeing with each other that everyone must wear a face mask, Ryan even said it was a matter of “right to life”. That’s rich, right? A liberal pro-abortion woman talking about the right to life during a face mask discussion. You can’t make this stuff up.

Ryan asked if she and Biden are practicing for the upcoming debates. She said they were. April Ryan was relieved because “Trump plays gutter politics.” Is Ryan worried about Biden’s ability to outperform Trump? It seems so. She also asked if Kamala is concerned about the polls narrowing. Kamala brushed that off as just normal happenings during a presidential election. This gave her an opening to say that the choice is clear – If you want to expand health care, unify the country, and elect someone who believes in science, vote for Joe. If you want the exact opposite of all that, then vote for Trump. The message from Democrats has not changed in four years and they have learned nothing. At least she didn’t call Trump voters a basket of deplorable.


April Ryan said that former United States Attorney and United States Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates wants Biden and the Democrats to expand the Supreme Court. Ryan asked Kamala for a name if more judges are added in a Biden administration. Kamala didn’t answer, instead said she is “focused on the next 43 days”. “Early voting is the new thing.” The Democrats have flipped from showing up on Election Day, to mail-in voting, to early voting, and back to in-person voting.


Wrapping up the chat, April went into full slobber mode. She held up a t-shirt that was apparently one in support of Kamala but the lettering appeared upside down and backwards in the camera so I couldn’t read it. Kamala cackled and approved of it. Ryan said history will be made and she can’t wait to call her Madame Vice-President. She asked Kamala, “Does that give you chills?” She said it does for her. And, she quickly added, “I can’t endorse.” Sure, April. We see you.

So, April Ryan allowed Kamala Harris to dodge the question about packing the Supreme Court, which Kamala spoke favorably of just last year. I still think Kamala should recuse herself from being involved in the nomination process as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. She behaved unprofessionally during the Kavanaugh hearing. She has a real conflict of interest this time around.


Kamala Harris as the vice-presidential choice sends chills through me, too, but for a different reason than April. She’s the most liberal senator, according to GovTrack.US and she will be very aggressively promoting a far left agenda in a Harris-Biden administration. Poor old Joe will be a feckless figurehead in the White House. If he wins, he should hire a food taster immediately.

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