California family to Kamala: Get your Timberlands off our property

Much like her running mate, Kamala Harris hasn’t really been out and about very much as a vice-presidential candidate. She’s a Californian, though, so she took advantage of the state’s horrendous wildfires to make a pitch for one the left’s favorite causes – climate change. She let Governor Gavin Newsom tag along as she surveyed the damage.


In Auberry, California, the duo roamed around the burned-out property of one family, which included the remains of the family home and a pick-up truck. It turns out the grown children of the owners didn’t appreciate the visit made at the expense of the family’s privacy. It was all just a photo-op and the politicians were trespassing, they say. The home is across the street from an elementary school that Newsom and Kamala visited. For dramatic effect, the senator used a ghoulish reference in her observations. ‘The fire just swept through. So everything is gone except the chimney,’ Harris told reporters. ‘Those chimneys, they remind me – when you look at a neighborhood that’s been wiped out, those chimneys remind me of tombstones.’

Trampas Patten, the homeowner’s son, accused Harris and Newsom of using his family’s tragedy for their own political gain. In a post on Facebook, he notes that his parents have not been allowed back on their property due to evacuation orders.

That’s quite a professional-looking pose by Kamala, right? Trampas’ sister weighed in, too, with an emotional reaction.

His sister Bailee, stated, “When we saw those photos, it was – there aren’t words, because it’s like, we haven’t even seen our house. We haven’t seen our property. There is no house, we haven’t even seen our property … This isn’t just devastation, this is our lives. This is where we grew up, these are our memories. And to not have that – to feel so helpless – and I guess that’s what we’ve all been thinking, is that we were so helpless. Because we weren’t there, we haven’t gotten to deal with our loss. Instead, we’re having to watch it play out on social media and news,” FOX26 News reported.


It’s hard to imagine how it must have felt for them to check in on social media and see their family home and property being exploited for political gain. Oh, did I mention that they are registered Republicans? Those two Democrat politicians picked the wrong property to tour. Then Bailee posted on Facebook:

Dear Governor Newsom you don’t know me but I’m one of your CA citizens. That truck you are standing by is my dads work truck. He has had that thing for as long as I can remember. That land with all the rubble your standing next too, that’s my house I grew up in. You never got my parents permission to go on our property, nor did you ask if we needed help. What you did do is take my families loss and parade it all over social media and news networks to push your agenda. That agenda can wait, right now you should be caring about the families of this state. Thankfully this community is #mountainstrong and we will thrive.

Patten concluded, “We’re survivors. We’re gonna get through this, but the whole community has lost. And to just take a picture of one loss, it’s not enough.”

When asked for a response to the brother and sister, Senator Harris’s Communications Director said ‘I’m not going to have anything about that.” She refused any further comment. That’s the thing about Team Biden – they shield Biden and Kamala from answering any uncomfortable questions. Or, really, any questions at all.

Here is the governor using his Twitter account to promote his climate change propaganda alongside the property owner’s truck:


Gavin Newsom can rant about those who deny the overwrought hysteria about climate change all he wants. So can Kamala. The fact of the matter is that yes, temperatures are edged up a bit in recent years, as weather comes in cycles, but the wildfires are mostly a by-product of some really crappy Democrat land management policy. If the governor and his minions in Sacramento would wake up and manage forests properly, like clearing brush, for example, the wildfires would be less likely of an event. That’s science, too, Mr. Governor.

Kamala, you might have noticed, dresses casually as she goes about her business during these campaign stops. The media loves her shoes, in particular. Her choice in footwear is being heralded as woke. I’m not kidding. Whether she is wearing sneakers with her pants suits or as in this case, Timberlands, the journalists make note of it. This is where I mention that the press treats Melania Trump very differently when she puts on a pair of Timberlands, even if it is to visit a military base overseas.


And, yeah, it’s not about the boots. It’s the media and their continued in-kind donations to Team Biden thinly disguised as reporting.

It is what it is.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024