Nancy Pelosi's trip to the hair salon did not end well

Nancy Pelosi had a Marie Antoinette moment this week in San Francisco. Despite the fact that hair salons are shuttered due to California’s lockdown on businesses, Madame Speaker ventured out for a shampoo and blowout at a local salon. It must have come as quite a surprise to find herself on a video shown by a cable news network as she walked from one area of the establishment to another with wet hair and wearing a non-descript salon smock.


A security camera caught it and Fox News obtained the video. Tuesday the cable network ran it as an exclusive story. There is no doubt that the fact that Fox ran it was salt to the wound since we know that Democrats like Pelosi usually boycott FNC.

Talk about blatant hypocrisy – not only is she being serviced in a business that has been closed since March to the public but Pelosi isn’t even wearing a face mask. The stylist is wearing a face mask.

Salons were allowed to reopen on September 1 but only for outdoor styling services. So, even with a limited reopening, Pelosi violated the rules by going inside for her appointment. The little people must follow the rules, you see, but not the Speaker of the House. The salon owner, Erica Kious, was irritated about the whole situation and decided to share the story.

Like a lot of other salons, hair stylists in her salon are independent stylists who rent chairs. On Sunday night she received a text from a stylist who wanted to take a customer on Monday afternoon.

“One of the stylists who rents a chair from me contacted me Sunday night,” Kious said.

A screengrab of the text message she received from one of her stylists and obtained by Fox News, said: “I’ll be there at 2:45 tomorrow. Pelosi assistant just messaged me to do her hair.”

Kious replied: “Pelosi?”

This is where it gets a little odd, to me anyway. The salon owner said she wasn’t sure what to do, how to handle the request. She sounds as though the stylists have final say over her, which doesn’t make sense. Kious is the owner of the business. She could have nipped it in the bud by declining to approve the appointment. Remember Monday was August 31 and the salon was still shuttered for any business services. It wasn’t allowed to open for outside services until Tuesday, September 1. Unless I’m completely mixed up here, Pelosi’s appointment was a day early for even outside service. Needless to say, when Kious saw the footage of Pelosi traipsing about inside the salon, she was not pleased.


“I was like, are you kidding me right now? Do I let this happen? What do I do?” Kious told Fox News while noting that she “can’t control” what her stylists do if they rent chairs from her, as “they’re not paying” at this time.

Kious cast Pelosi’s visit as a double standard.

“It was a slap in the face that she went in, you know, that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can’t work,” Kious told Fox News, adding that she “can’t believe” the speaker didn’t have a mask on. (From the footage, it appears Pelosi had some kind of covering around her neck.)

“We’re supposed to look up to this woman, right?” Kious said. “It is just disturbing.”

No, we don’t have to “look up to this woman” and many of us don’t, precisely because of this kind of hypocrisy coming out of elected officials. She works for Kious if Kious lives in Pelosi’s district. Public servants are not supposed to be royalty.

Pelosi’s spokesman denied special treatment, as you would expect. His statement is different than the story from Pelosi’s stylist. Did the stylist just randomly call up the speaker and offer to do her hair or did Pelosi’s assistant text the stylist to make arrangements?

“The Speaker always wears a mask and complies with local COVID requirements. This business offered for the Speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business. The Speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment,” he said.


Kious said Pelosi received a shampoo and a blow-dry. That, too, violates the coronavirus mitigation guidelines. Hair salons are not supposed to use hair dryers. Kious says the whole thing is a “slap in the face.” She’s a single mom with two children, trying to reopen her business for the past six months. Like other business owners, she feels deflated and beaten down by the struggle. She had expected to reopen in July and made the adjustments inside the salon, like installing plexiglass partitions and spacing salon chairs six feet apart.

Monday, by the way, Pelosi appeared on MSNBC on the Chris Hayes show. She complained that Trump “slapped science right in the face” by not wearing a mask or social distancing during the GOP convention. Perhaps Pelosi needed to get her hair done before that television appearance. She said what a “bad example” Trump’s behavior was.

This is the same hypocrisy that we saw coming from Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot, who also had her hair done because she said she had to for professional reasons. I’m sure thousands of Chicago women thought the same thing as they continued to do their hair at home and tried to look presentable for Zoom calls for their jobs. This latest example from Pelosi is a reminder that Democrats accuse everyone else of the behavior they are doing themselves.

The women in the press are big Pelosi fangirls and this Politico reporter questioned if it was legal to tape someone in the business “without consent”. The camera was a security camera. Good heavens. Pelosi broke the rules and the security camera is questioned? You can’t make this stuff up.


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