Former Clinton press secretary has a thought: Trump's had a stroke

Yes, really. We have entered the silly season in the presidential campaign cycle and we need to look no further than Joe Lockhart’s Twitter feed for verification of that fact. Some particularly unhinged, ugly tweets have been posted over the course of the last week or so by the former presidential press secretary.


Lockhart is now a CNN political analyst and has worked as a communications consultant. The messages he’s been communicating lately, though, aren’t exactly covering him in glory. The latest bit of ugliness is about President Trump’s health. No, not his mental health that leftists and Never Trumpers enjoy speculating about, but his physical health. Lockhart ponders if the president has suffered a stroke and is keeping it a secret from the public.

The White House correspondent for Playboy was quick to jump on the bandwagon and spur Lockhart on with a reply. He claims he has repeatedly asked about this to the White House.

Lockhart is about to bust open the truth, y’all. Stay tuned.


Good heavens. Besides being completely Trump deranged, this poor man has too much time on his hands. This tweet came shortly after Trump held a press briefing and criticized Joe Biden and others on the left for stoking “left-wing political violence.” This random tweet about Trump’s health likely originated with his unannounced visit to Walter Reed Medical Center last November. At the time Trump said it was for a routine physical exam. Whatever it was, it’s highly unlikely the trip to Walter Reed was for a stroke. Trump’s shown none of the classic signs of a stroke, either before or after that day. Lockhart must be getting Joe Biden and President Trump confused. I frequently ask myself if Biden is having a stroke when I listen to him serve up a portion of his word salad. Maybe Lockhart’s confusion of the two candidates and their behavior is due to Lockhart having a stroke. See how this works?

This type of tweet wouldn’t be noteworthy except for Lockhart’s recent tweets and the path he is taking. His rhetoric is going further and further to the dark side. He’s even trying to convince his followers that there was no convention bounce for Trump when that is one thing that most polling and analysts are agreeing on – Trump did get a bounce and his favorability rate has improved coming out of the convention.


Democrats are starting to feel the panic that comes when the professional talking class realizes their guy just may not win, even though he’s been ahead in polls all along. It’s as though they think 2016 was a fluke and not possible again. Everyone is measuring the drapes for their new offices in the Biden administration. They may want to hold off on that.

Last week Lockhart fired off two particularly nasty tweets – one disparaging the residents of Texas and Louisiana and one about Nick Sandmann. Texas and Louisiana deserved to be hit by Hurricane Laura, because, karma. He didn’t elaborate as to why those of us who live in one of these states deserve a massively destructive hurricane but we can probably guess. I think Hillary called us ‘Deplorables’. And, wouldn’t you think Lockhart would have learned not to publicly diss Sandmann by now? The folks that write his paycheck from CNN must have had heartburn after reading that tweet.

Lockhart is no stranger to controversial tweets. Last week, the CNN analyst suggested that “karma” was involved in the trajectory of Hurricane Laura as it approached Texas and Louisiana.

The outspoken former Clinton press secretary also raised eyebrows for attacking former Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann after his network settled a $250 million defamation lawsuit earlier this year.

Last Tuesday, CNN awkwardly aired Sandmann’s speech as part of the second night of the Republican National Convention, where he said his life “changed forever in that one moment” because the “full war machine in the mainstream media revved up into attack mode” while botching its coverage of the 2019 viral confrontation with a Native American elder that had portrayed the Kentucky teen as the aggressor.

However, one of Sandmann’s loudest critics came from the network that he settled with.

“I’m watching tonight because it’s important. But i [sic] don’t have to watch this snot nose entitled kid from Kentucky,” Lockhart tweeted.


“Snot nose entitled kid from Kentucky”. Who’s acting entitled here, Joe? A 61-year-old man, a political insider, disses an 18-year-old kid just entering the world of politics, which may not have happened if not for the way the leftists in the press tried to destroy his life. Do you know what real karma is? Nick Sandmann speaking to the Republican convention and CNN covering it live is karma. CNN has to pay a whole lot of money to Sandmann for the network’s coverage of his time in the news and the CNN talking heads weren’t free to trash Sandmann after his speech.

As I finish up here, I see President Trump has responded to Lockhart’s tweet with a tweet of his own. He, too, mentions that maybe it’s Biden who should be questioned about strokes.

“It never ends! Now they are trying to say that your favorite President, me, went to Walter Reed Medical Center, having suffered a series of mini-strokes. Never happened to THIS candidate – FAKE NEWS,” Trump tweeted.

“Perhaps they are referring to another candidate from another Party!” he said, in what appeared to be a not so subtle dig at his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden. There is no evidence or credible reporting to suggest that Biden has had a stroke.


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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024