Judge Judy: America "deserves greatness," joins Bloomberg in Texas

The jury is in – Judy Sheindlin a.k.a. Judge Judy, has endorsed billionaire Michael Bloomberg for president. The television star is even going on the campaign trail with him to plead his case to voters. The two campaigned together in Texas Saturday.


Sheindlin, like Bloomberg, is 77 years old and a New Yorker. She references Bloomberg’s tenure as Mayor of New York City as proof of his skills – he’s “innovative,” “courageous” and “beholden to no one.” Most of all, she was searching for greatness in the Democrat primary and wasn’t finding it with the other candidates.

“I looked at the rest of the field and I said America is the greatest country in the world and it deserves greatness. And I looked at everybody else and I said, “I don’t see greatness there,” she said.

“Everybody else out there is just a lot of noise, I also think that he is the only person — you’re going to have an election in November, and you’re going to need someone who can stand toe-to-toe, who understands the incumbent, and who understands and appreciates how to manage him. I think he’s the only one who can do that,” Sheindlin said.

Not to put too fine of a point on this but doesn’t that sound like she’s describing Donald Trump? His 2016 campaign was centered around the premise that he wasn’t beholden to anyone because he was an outsider, which Bloomberg is not, and Trump’s appeal was his willingness to think outside of the box. “Innovative” is how Trump rolls. And as far as “courageous” goes, well, does anyone think Trump’s afraid to go up against anyone? Trump also campaigned on his ability to defeat Hillary Clinton because he knew her, he traveled in the same social circles and even donated to her past political campaigns. She and Bill were guests at his wedding to Melania.


On Biden’s candidacy, Judge Judy says he’s a nice guy but America needs a “great guy” by virtue of what he has accomplished. She likes the word “great”, doesn’t she? She also pointed out that this is Biden’s third run for the nomination. She acknowledged that voters seem to think Biden is the safe choice in the race.

Judy doesn’t think we need a revolution, which is good news, I suppose. America is already great, she said. Some systems just need to be tweaked.

“I don’t think we need a revolution in this country, I think it’s the greatest country on Earth. Everybody wants to come here, nobody’s asking for a permanent exit visa out of the United States of America. Everyone wants to come here. That doesn’t sound to me like a country that needs a revolution,” Sheindlin said. “That doesn’t mean that some of its systems don’t need tweaking. They need tweaking. It has to be made fairer and the ability to realize the American dream has to be made available for more people.”

So, in other words, she presents no clear reason that Bloomberg should replace Trump as president. Is she a good surrogate? Not really, but she brings star power to Bloomberg’s events. People know her name and have likely seen her on television. She can offer a little added interest to Bloomberg’s otherwise ho-hum campaign.


Texans have been bombarded by political ads on television from Mr. Bloomberg. I don’t mean once a day or even twice a day. Due to the nature of my work, our television is on from the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep. I can tell you that his ads come on multiple times in a 24-hour cycle – both on network television and on cable stations. The closest competition he has on-air is Tom Steyer, the other billionaire in the Democrat primary. He runs several each day, too. As we move closer to Super Tuesday, it will only get worse. These two guys have made it clear that they’ll spend whatever it takes in this race.

Bloomberg and the judge are campaigning in Texas on a bus tour this weekend. For some reason, Bloomberg sounds as though he thinks Beto O’Rourke won the Senate race against Ted Cruz. One snippet from his rallies Saturday that appeared on social media has Bloomberg saying that Beto proved that a Democrat can win in Texas by visiting all of its 254 counties. Robert Francis O’Rourke consistently mentioned that he visited all of the counties in his stump speeches, as though it was a badge of honor.


Alas, Mr. Bloomberg, no one refers to Beto as Senator O’Rourke because he didn’t win the race. Ted Cruz is still the junior senator from Texas. Currently, Joe Biden is leading in Texas polls for Democrats. No one is betting against Trump to win Texas in November. The fever dream of turning Texas back to a blue state after a couple of decades of Republican dominance will not be realized this cycle, no matter how much money Bloomberg spends here.

Bloomberg started in San Antonio and went on to Austin and Dallas. Bloomberg campaigned in Houston last month. His strategy is to focus on the Super Tuesday (March 3) states, not the early voting states.

“You can rest assured I will not spare a penny to defeat Donald Trump in Texas,” Bloomberg said in December.

Bloomberg has also announced plans to open a state campaign headquarters in Houston and 16 field offices around the state. He’s spending big in Texas, sinking more than $8 million on TV ads in the state.

“Our teams on the ground are in more states at once during primary season than any campaign in history,” said Dan Kanninen, states director for Bloomberg’s campaign. “We have organizers, volunteers, and supporters in all corners of states throughout the country.”


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