AOC on Telemundo: “It’d be an honor to be vice president”

Fortunately, she is too young to meet the constitutional requirement but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) thinks it would be an honor to be vice-president. She’s a surrogate for the Bernie Sanders campaign, so that means she’d like to be his vice-presidential pick but she’s only 30 years old.


AOC did an interview with Telemundo News last weekend and she was asked the question – If Bernie Sanders becomes the Democrat nominee, would she be his vice-presidential running mate?

“It’d be an honor to be vice president,” she said in a weekend interview when asked about becoming Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s running mate should he become the Democratic presidential nominee.

But, she added, at 30, she is five years short of the constitutional age limit for vice president — or president.

“Well, I can’t be his running mate, because I’m not old enough. I’m 30, and you have to be at least 35. But, it’d be an honor to be vice president,” she told Noticias Telemundo.

If her popularity and power continue into the next few years, she’ll likely be considered in 2024 when she is old enough to accept the offer. A Bernie/AOC ticket would be quite a visual contrast though, wouldn’t it? The oldest candidate running for president pairing up with the youngest person serving in Congress would make a notable visual optic. And, of course, the two would be a fever dream ticket for the American socialist movement.

During the interview, AOC delivered the usual kind of anti-Trump kind of remarks we have come to expect from her. You know, she called President Trump a corrupt racist, and anti-immigrant but then she added a personal attack – he’s afraid of Latinas, strong Latin women. Ok, Millennial.


“I think that if the president is calling me crazy, that’s good. It’d be a problem if he said he agreed with me because he has a lot of issues. He’s a racist, and he’s anti-immigrants, but more than that, his administration is very corrupt,” she said.

And she added, “I think he’s afraid of women, of strong women, of Latina women.”

That opinion will come as a surprise to the Latinas working in the Latinos for Trump group, not to mention Latinas appointed by Trump to work in his administration. But it plays well to the Latino radio audience, right? President Trump may indeed think that AOC is crazy, but so do lots of us. Her message is one of a socialist revolution in America and that is unacceptable. When it comes to his day job, there is no proof that Trump is “afraid of women”, either. Women occupy top positions in his administration, including his top advisers. Three women are in important Cabinet positions – Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, CIA Director Gina Haspel, and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Kellyanne Conway became the first woman to manage a winning presidential campaign.


She said the same during a Sanders rally.

“[Trump is] threatened by women of color, I think he’s threatened by Latina women, by black women, by Muslim women, South Asian women, etcetera. We represent the America that he refuses to accept – one that embraces and allows for feminine power,” Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview earlier this year at a Spanish campaign rally for Sanders. “An America that allows people of color to have a strong voice at the table, to be treated equally, to fight of the dignity of all people and one frankly that fights the corruption in plutocracy that he represents.”

“His views do not represent the majority of this country. It’s not to say that he represents no one, there is clearly a base that he has, but I don’t believe that his views represent a majority of the American people,” Ocasio-Cortez concluded.

She is on board with supporting whoever becomes the Democrat nominee for president. The first priority is to just get Trump out of the White House.

“This fight belongs to all of us. This is about a movement. That’s why I chose to back Senator Sanders. He knows and understands that this campaign isn’t about one person. It’s about a movement of American working families and that can only happen with everyone on board,” she told Telemundo. “I think we have good candidates in the primary. But I think that we have to support whoever wins the ticket, because we need to get this president out of the Oval Office.”


The inconvenient truth, though, is that the Trump administration has been very good for Latino Americans. Low unemployment, higher wages for hourly workers, educational opportunities, the list goes on across the board for the things going well under Trump policies. AOC and Bernie, though, would like to turn America into Venezuela, though she denies that.

When asked about concerns that she and Sanders endorse socialism, Ocasio-Cortez sought to make a distinction between what’s viewed as socialism in the United States and in other countries. Venegas referenced Venezuela – where socialist policies, implemented by dictators Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, have forced more than 4 million people to flee an economic and humanitarian crisis in the country since the end of 2015, according to figures released by the UN Refugee Agency.

“When the president or other people want to say this, the first I say is look at the politics, the proposals because we’re not advocating for complete control of the economy. We’re talking about basic human economic rights – education, health care, a worthy salary,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Here in the United States, those values are called ‘socialism.’ And for me, that’s a commentary on the present moment in the United States. Things that are human rights are called socialism. It’s very different what we’re seeing here and in other countries.”


AOC may not think her brand of socialism is the same as that in Venezuela but it is. The results of her demands, and Bernie’s, would destroy the American economy and quickly devastate our way of life. She calls herself a socialist, as does Bernie. I believe them when they tell me who they are.

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