Obama's doctor: No, Joe Biden "isn't a healthy guy", at risk for a stroke

It sure didn’t take long for a scalpel to be taken to the health report released by Joe Biden’s doctor. Barack Obama’s former doctor – one who treated Obama for 22 years – looked at the report and didn’t particularly like what he saw.


Dr. David Scheiner is going public with his concerns about Joe Biden’s health. His biggest concern is that of Biden’s risk of stroke. Generally speaking, Biden “isn’t a healthy guy”. He would like to see Biden undergo some tests and look at those results.

Dr David Scheiner, 81, said he is worried about Biden’s risk of a stroke after the letter disclosed he is taking cholesterol medication and has an irregular heartbeat, having previously suffered aneurysms.

Dr. Scheiner, who treated Obama for 22 years before he became president, added that he would like to see the results of an MRI or CT scan, which were not included.

Scheiner said he would also like to review the results of a sleep study, given Biden had operations on his nasal passages to treat sleep apnea.

I wrote about the three-page summary released by Biden’s doctor, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, earlier this week. Dr. O’Connor vouches for Biden’s health and described him as a “vigorous 77- year old” and “fit to be president”. Dr. Scheiner, however, holds a different opinion – at least until he sees results from more tests. Scheiner said Biden isn’t in bad shape “for his age” ( there is always that qualifier) but he isn’t in outstanding health. He wouldn’t guarantee that Biden wouldn’t have health issues and went on to say Biden “has a lot of issues that are just sort of sitting there.’ Dr. O’Connor said that Biden’s atrial fibrillation is ‘persistent.’ Biden is taking medication to treat his health problems, including a blood thinner for the atrial fibrillation.


In his report, O’Connor said that Biden is currently being treated for non-valvular atrial-fibrillation, better known as Afib, which is an irregular heartbeat. He said Biden is also being treated for hyperlipidemia, which is an abnormally high concentration of fats or lipids in the blood, as well as gastroesophageal reflux, a digestive disorder that occurs when acidic stomach juices, or food and fluids, back up from the stomach into the esophagus. And he noted that Biden – as many Americans do – suffers from seasonal allergies

This isn’t the first time that Dr. Scheiner has voiced his concerns about Joe Biden’s health. Last July the doctor said Biden’s appearance made him nervous – he looked frail during a televised Democrat debate in Miami.

Dr. David Scheiner told the Washington Examiner that Biden’s appearance during the debate made him nervous.

“Harris started attacking him and he looked frail to me,” Scheiner said. “I sort of got the feeling he wasn’t very strong. It was similar to the feeling I got when Republicans started attacking Mueller so fiercely.”

The summary released by Dr. O’Connor included previously undisclosed surgeries, as noted in the Washington Examiner article.

But the latest health information doesn’t mention details of any checkups that likely occurred to screen for future issues. The report also included mention of surgeries that hadn’t been previously disclosed, including one for an enlarged prostate. Previously, the public only knew Biden had received treatment for the disorder.

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, who wrote the assessment, also stated that Biden had “received multiple physical therapy treatments and surgeries, for various sports medicine and orthopedic injuries” but declined to specify any further.

“I had no idea Biden had such a history. My goodness gracious, he’s got a lot of history,” Scheiner said.


Don’t misunderstand Dr. Scheiner, though, he’s a loyal Democrat and said he’ll vote for Biden if he is the Democrat nominee, just as he will vote for any of the rest of them in the race. His concerns about Biden’s health only go so far, apparently. The question I have is this – Is Team Obama behind the doctor’s concerns going public? He isn’t Obama’s current doctor so he can appear to just be a concerned observer. While Biden frequently brings up “Barack” when he’s justifying his own run for president, some of Obama’s former staffers are working for other candidates. Barack Obama has remained in the background, not endorsing any of the candidates. Biden says he told Obama he didn’t want him to endorse him, but no one believes that line. We all know that whoever is the Democrat nominee will seek and receive the endorsement of Obama. Obama can bring out the black vote which will be crucial for a Democrat victory in 2020 against President Trump.

It seems odd for an Obama person to be openly questioning something as essential as Biden’s health now. This is 2019, though, and we shouldn’t be surprised by anything anymore. At the age of 77, Biden outwardly appears to be in good physical shape. If I was a Democrat voter, I’d be more concerned about his mental vitality than his physical vitality. I think that is where his age is apparent.



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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024