Greta Thunberg scolds in Madrid: "We have achieved nothing"

Greta Thunberg arrived in Madrid in time to lecture attendees of the 2019 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 25) Friday. She was a late arrival due to a weather delay.


Greta arrived in Lisbon, Portugal on Tuesday after three weeks at sea. She received a hero’s welcome, as expected. The Mayor of Lisbon Fernando Medina and hundreds of supporters welcomed her to the city. You may remember she traveled by catamaran from Virginia, thanks to a couple of lifestyle bloggers. She didn’t want to sail to Lisbon in order to reach her destination, you see, but she had to do it.

Thunberg explained that sailing was a way to send a signal to decision-makers. “I am not traveling like this because I want everyone to do so,” she said. “I’m doing this to sort of send the message that it is impossible to live sustainable today, and that needs to change. It needs to become much easier.”

Apparently, ocean travel is the wave of the future, not air travel, or something. Well, no one ever said climate alarmism is full of practical solutions for our inevitable doom.

She received a similar welcome in Lisbon. Police protection and an escort through the crowd allowed her to get to where she was going. She made a little joke about the chaos.


After more than a year of organized climate change strikes, as they are known, each Friday across the globe, Miss Thunberg now says the school strikes have “achieved nothing”. During a press conference before the Friday protest march in Madrid, she admitted that whatever magic solutions she is looking for have not happened overnight. She doesn’t hold out much hope that the U.N. conference will produce much progress, either. She blames it on an unwillingness to accept change. Even though the school students are skipping classes each Friday and marching or doing sit-ins in government buildings, Greta claims that carbon emissions are rising, not falling.

“I’m just an activist and we need more activists,” she said. “Some people are afraid to change – they try so desperately to silence us.”

Thunberg expressed hope for the UN negotiations but doubted whether governments had got the message, and warned the world could not afford continued inaction.

“I sincerely hope COP25 will reach something concrete and increase awareness among people, and that world leaders and people in power grasp the urgency of the climate crisis, because right now it does not seem that they are,” she said.

Although young people would keep striking, Thunberg said, they wanted to stop – if governments made credible promises and showed a willingness to act.

“We can’t go on like this; it is not sustainable that children skip school and we don’t want to continue – we would love some action from the people in power. People are suffering and dying today. We can’t wait any longer,” she said.


She is right about one thing – reasonable people are not willing to drastically cut the comforts of their way of life in order to reach whatever levels of carbon emissions and greenhouse gases are deemed acceptable to the alarmists. The Green New Deal, for example, is a non-starter, as long as at least half of America isn’t willing to allow America to turn into a socialist country in order to pacify young activists (Greta Thunberg) and old protesters (Jane Fonda) who suddenly think they know best. Destroying free markets, taking away livelihoods and individual freedom of others while our celebrity betters continue to live in mansions and partake in private jet travel isn’t going to convince the masses of anything.

Greta participated in the climate strike protest march in Madrid, along with about 500,000 others.


Young Greta wasn’t the only young alarmist to speak at the conference. She may have some competition on the horizon. A Samoan student participated in a panel discussion on the effects of climate change on islands.

Hers was not the only young presence trying to push for more ambitious outcomes in Madrid. Speaking at a panel run by the Association of Small Island States, Samoan student Brianna Fruean from 350 Samoa and the Pacific Climate Warriors, said it was critical to remember that some nations represented at the talks were fighting for sheer survival. “World leaders need to know that people like me are watching them.”

In case you were wondering, the Dalai Lama is on board with the kids and their adult minions.

I’ll end with this little tidbit. Greta was unable to accept an award from the Right Livelihood Foundation since she is in Spain but she was there in spirit, she tweeted. This is a change in attitude from the teenager, though because in October she was awarded the 2019 Nordic Council Environment Prize and she refused to accept it. At the time she said, “Environment doesn’t need any more prizes.”


Just accept the awards and accolades (and the cash prizes, too) now, Greta. This hero-worship from the socialist masses won’t last forever.

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024