Sleepy Joe Biden: Dazed and confused about geography in America

Joe Biden, the great Democrat hope to unseat President Trump in 2020 is having a bit of a rough patch with his public and private speaking. Anyone can make a mistake in delivering remarks to a group of people, large or small. It is noteworthy, though, when a candidate for president is on a roll. Sleepy Joe is on a roll.


Over the course of last weekend, we all processed the tragic stories of human death and destruction brought about by two murderous madmen. One mass shooting happened in El Paso, Texas on Saturday. The other in Dayton, Ohio early Sunday morning. Biden, speaking at a high-dollar fundraiser in San Diego Sunday night referenced the shootings in his speech. Unfortunately, he got the locations of the shootings wrong. Not just wrong, actually, decidedly wrong. Not just one incorrect location, but both locations. He offered sympathy for people in Houston instead of El Paso, and for those in Michigan, not Dayton, Ohio.

Thanks, Joe, but the people in my city of Houston were spared such a horrific event. El Paso is waaaaayyy on the other side of our very large state, 746 miles away traveling east on I-10. El Paso is a border town in the desert. Houston is America’s fourth-largest city located 40 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The Michigan reference is weird, too. Maybe Biden thinks all rustbelt states look alike.

Biden, 76, mistakenly referred to the shootings as “the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before,” but later corrected himself, according to a pool report. Biden seemingly confused Houston for El Paso and Michigan for Ohio when speaking to donors about the shootings.

I wasn’t going to mention Joe’s verbal mistakes. Biden is frequently wrong about lots of things. Then President Trump mistakenly mentioned Toledo as he ended his remarks about the mass shootings Monday morning at the White House. He said, “May God bless the memory of those who died in Toledo. May God protect them.”, which is nice but we know he meant Dayton. So, instead of ignoring the error, the snark flowed on Twitter. CNN snark was strong and even included a request for some drug testing for President Trump. This. Is. CNN:


Biden had the luxury of speaking to a limited audience outside of Washington, D.C. President Trump was reading off a TelePrompter which indicates to me that a staffer made a mistake in the speech. Trump didn’t catch it in time as he read the words. Anyway, Trump’s audience was larger by millions of listeners so he’ll get beat up for the mistake the rest of the day. Biden’s audience was only about 75 people.

The fundraiser for his presidential campaign took place at the home of businessman Mark Arabo, who is an advocate for persecuted Iraqi Christians. Around 75 attendees at the fundraiser received a three-course meal before the vice president’s remarks and listened to Biden speak in a marble-tiled living area with two chandeliers as they sat in rows of white chairs.


Biden misspoke during the Democrat debate last week when he tried to work in one of his favorite lines against Trump’s re-election. He frequently says that eight years of Trump will destroy America or something. Instead, he made it sound like Trump would have an additional eight years after his first four. He mangled it up.

“We can tolerate four years of this man, but we have a hell of a lot to make up, nationally and internationally,” Biden said. “But my God — eight years? Eight years of this man will fundamentally change the character of our country.”

During a Democratic primary debate last week, Biden misstated his frequent line about eight years of Trump, among other flubs. Biden warned that “eight more years of Trump will change America in a fundamental way,” even though Trump is constitutionally limited to one more four-year term after 2020.

Speaking of Houston and shootings, the mayor (running for re-election) and other Democrats, like Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee looking for a mention on local news came together and held up signs against gun violence. The usual gun-grabbers were in attendance including Moms Demand Action and March for Our Lives. This is from the mayor’s press secretary’s Twitter account.


Houston lit up City Hall in the color orange.

As it turns outs, Houston had its own deadly weekend at the hands of violent individuals.

Police were busy Sunday night into Monday morning responding to numerous shooting scenes across the Houston area.

The shootings left at least six people dead and four people wounded over a 12-hour period in the City of Houston alone.

Maybe some attention closer to home is warranted, Mr. Mayor.

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