Hillary: Trump "weaponizes fear and bigotry" with ICE raids

Hillary Clinton weighed in as reports surfaced that President Trump is moving forward with the ICE deportation raids. She voiced her disapproval of the decision and offered instructions to illegal aliens should ICE agents arrive at their door.


The deportation raids were previously postponed by President Trump and involve 12 major cities and 2,000 targeted illegal aliens. All are currently under deportation orders, mostly for not showing up for their court dates. The operation will likely take several days to complete. Hillary Clinton says “weaponized fear and bigotry are the central projects of this administration.”

Clinton also tweeted instructions in Spanish for those who may face deportation.

Hillary and other Democrats are particularly agitated that “collateral” deportation arrests may occur during this process – illegal aliens at the scene of a deportation raid who is not one of the listed targets. The New York Times reports that the detainees will be sent to Texas and Pennsylvania. Since detention facilities are already overcrowded, some may end up staying in hotel rooms until travel documents are prepared. The goal is to execute the process as quickly as possible. The NYT piece reports that these targeted individuals are recent illegal immigrants. The usual talking point by the open borders crowd that the U.S. should turn a blind eye to those here illegally because they have established roots in a community doesn’t apply here.


The families being targeted crossed the border recently: The Trump administration expedited their immigration proceedings last fall. In February, many of those immigrants were given notice to report to an ICE office and leave the United States, the homeland security officials said.

Matthew Bourke, an ICE spokesman, said in a statement on Wednesday that the agency would not comment on specific details related to enforcement operations, to ensure the safety and security of agency personnel.

To be clear, these aren’t random targets for deportation. These are people who have exhausted due process and remain in the U.S. despite official deportation orders. By aiding and abetting illegal aliens, Hillary Clinton is siding with them over the immigration laws of the United States. She isn’t the only Democrat, either. Speaker Nancy Pelosi also took it upon herself to favor illegal aliens over American citizens. She is asking members of the Democrat leadership to spread the word on the rights of illegal aliens who may face a knock at the door starting on Sunday.

Speaking to a closed-door whips meeting, Pelosi urged members to spread the party’s “know your rights” campaign, according to two people in the room. Democrats took the same approach earlier this year, when faced with the Department of Homeland Security’s initial threat of mass deportation raids.

Pelosi also told members that she plans to reach out to religious leaders to encourage them to oppose the efforts, as she did last month when Trump first threatened the raids, one person said. Pelosi also spoke to Trump by phone last month and urged him to call off his plans.


Pelosi’s use of religious leaders is particularly cynical. She claims that they didn’t knowingly sign on to Trump’s plans for deporting illegal aliens when they initially supported his candidacy for president. Horse hockey. Trump ran on fixing problems brought on by illegal immigration and he always made it crystal clear that those here illegally must be deported. Ordinary Americans don’t think it is unreasonable to demand that people wanting to cross the southern border do so legally.

“They were very concerned that this goes too far because these raids were not what they signed up for with President Trump. And I think their calls to the president made a difference,” Pelosi said. “Hopefully the president will think again about it or these groups will weigh in once again.

It appears that there is room available in family detention centers to handle this operation. Remember, the goal is for their detention to end as quickly as possible.

ICE operates three family detention centers with 3,326 beds, which limits the capacity to hold families. However, a significant amount of that space is currently available.

The largest of those facilities — a detention center in Dilley, Texas — has 90 percent of it 2,400 beds free, according to an agency spokesman. And a 96-bed facility in Berks County, Pa., is roughly a quarter full.

Another family center in Karnes City, Texas, is currently being used to house only adult female detainees, according to ICE.


Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi have chosen sides in this operation. As this administration struggles to cope with the chaos at the southern border and enforce immigration laws on the books and policies put into place during previous administrations, the Democrats have choose lawlessness. A nation cannot survive without sovereignty and the rule of law. It is not bigoted to hold those who break our laws accountable. President Trump is right that we must know who is in our country and that includes an accurate census count of all people, whether here legally or not.

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