No bueno! Filming Biden's campaign ad turns into a hot mess

Despite signing non-disclosure agreements (NDA) with Joe Biden’s potential 2020 presidential campaign, some Florida moms leaked footage of a campaign video. Filmed Saturday in Fort Lauderdale the takeaway is don’t try to get in the way of a proud mom and video footage of her precious child. The filming experience quickly turned into “a hot mess”


“We are in a hot mess with campaign and client because someone leaked footage,” read a Monday email to the actors obtained by POLITICO. The email surmised that the footage was from “some moms taking photo/video of their kids while they were being filmed.”.

Unfortunately for Team Biden, the moms couldn’t control their enthusiasm and posted some video on social media. The production was to have been a secret, or as much of a secret as such an event can be, and the actors all signed NDAs. This means the moms would have had to have signed NDAs for their minor children. The email sent out to the actors warned of possible legal action. Also, the offenders were asked to delete the videos and not to talk to the media. In other words, they were told to keep their end of the agreement. That’s the whole purpose of an NDA. Those involved agree ahead of time on what the arrangement will be between the parties.

I find it interesting how often we are reading about NDAs. There have been lots of stories written about NDAs and President Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign, and the Trump White House. There was even an episode of The Good Fight (a television show created specifically to resist the Trump presidency) devoted to NDAs. NDAs are commonly used in lots of areas of business but to read news stories written during the last couple of years you’d think that Donald Trump was the only man utilizing them.


Anyway, the video sounds lame. The targeted audience is Latino voters in early primary states (Nevada and California) and Florida, a swing state with a large Spanish-speaking population. In this video, it is reported that actors stand in front of a green screen and say one-word messages in Spanish. Two examples cited were “opportunity” and “faith”. An image of Hillary Clinton was used. What could possibly go wrong with that strategy? And, one actress had trouble pronouncing Biden’s name so she was told to call him “Tio Joe” (Uncle Joe).

One source familiar with the South Florida shoot on Saturday said the commercial used a diverse array of local Spanish-language actors. There was no script, but actors read words in Spanish such as “faith” and “opportunity” while standing in front of a green screen. The ad also included images of Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, and President Trump, according to the source, adding that the ad included a discussion about healthcare and education.

One source familiar with the South Florida shoot on Saturday said the commercial used a diverse array of local Spanish-language actors. There was no script, but actors read words in Spanish such as “faith” and “opportunity” while standing in front of a green screen. The ad also included images of Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, and President Trump, according to the source, adding that the ad included a discussion about healthcare and education.


This was the second video produced for Biden’s potential campaign. I keep saying potential because it’s not 100% certain that Biden will enter the 2020 Democrat presidential primary but common wisdom says he will and he remains in the top slot in polling. His team also filmed one of Biden in Scranton, Pennsylvania (his hometown) earlier this month. It is not clear if it is Biden, his PAC (American Possibilities) or another group who is behind the filming. If he jumps into the race, it is expected he will do so after Easter Sunday.

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