Philippe Reines leads protests outside White House

The former Deputy Assistant to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Philippe Reines, and Adam Parkhomenko, former National Field Director for the DNC in 2016, organized a very loud protest against President Trump during the last few nights. Calling it #OccupyLafayettePark, Reines led the effort with a tweet Monday afternoon as President Trump was expected to return from Europe Monday night.


I would use the actual tweet from his account but the guy blocked me some time ago. It would appear that Reines can dish it out but he can’t take it.

From Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines):

If someone flew home from Helsinki they’d get back to DC around 9pm. Probably jet lagged. You know what I’d hate if I just got back & needed to sleep? A bunch of people outside my home with bullhorns & air horns.

I’ve never started a protest. How does one do that @MoveOn?

The tweet included a photo of air horns, a bullhorn, and whistles. Reines was ready for Trump’s arrival, tweeting:

“Hey @realDonaldTrump I’m the guy outside your window blaring this at your window. I’m gonna wait I a bit to let you start dozing off. Then the air horns come out. I’ve got two canisters. That’s 24 1-second bursts or 8 3-second bursts. Any preference?”

Reines claims he’s a protest rookie and was motivated by Trump’s performance with Putin at their joint press conference in Helsinki. I guess we are to believe Reines had no problem with Trump until last weekend and then it was just all too much for him. Except Reines admits his first big protest event was the March For Our Lives. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, y’all.

“Donald Trump wakes up every day and not only does he not care for half of the country, he only cares for 35 percent,” Reines said in an interview Tuesday. “Something like yesterday brings the 65 percent together.”

According to Adam Parkhomenko, political advisor to Hillary Clinton and one of the first Twitter users to publicize the event, “quite a few Republicans” took to the streets around the White House on Monday night.

“A few of them described themselves as ‘socially liberal and fiscally conservative,’” Parkhomenko told PEOPLE. “They basically said we agree on a ton of stuff and I have a business background. However, enough is enough.”

No Trump supporters appeared to attend as counter-protestors, Reines said.


I imagine Trump supporters had better things to do than counter-protest in Lafayette Park at 9:00 P.M. on a Monday night. You know, like getting ready to go to work on Tuesday morning and going to bed.

Politicians and celebrities have gathered like moths to a flame. On the first night, Monday, Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) joined the crowd. By Tuesday night’s protest, the actress turned political activist Alyssa Milano and Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti were in attendance and spoke to the protesters.  If you ask me, though, Wednesday night’s activities sound much more entertaining. An 18 piece Mariachi band was hired to play. Ah, music. The universal language. Lol! Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) were the featured speakers. Is it me or are these politicians really second or third tier? Wouldn’t you think Philippe Reines would have more pull with well-known leftists and the ability to get them to his protest?

Not to be outdone by the Mexican band, two opera singers performed Thursday night.

Opera singers joined a multi-day protest outside of the White House on Thursday night, singing the national anthem to try and keep President Trump awake.

Opera singers Molly Pinson Simoneau and Carl Rountree stood outside the White House and sang the Star Spangled Banner on Thursday evening.

Parkhomenko said he’s still looking for bagpipers, tap dancers, puppeteers and a professional auctioneer “that can verbally reenact outside the White House everything important Trump is giving away to the highest bidder.”


It looks like the crowds aren’t so big so maybe that is why all the entertainment is being rustled up to perform. Parkhomenko is raising money on his Twitter account for the effort and he and Reines are looking into a Baby Trump balloon, too. Friday night the performers were announced to be a hip-hop and brass band and some dancers. President Trump, however, isn’t home to enjoy the festivities. He’s spending the weekend at his golf club in New Jersey.

Color me unimpressed. Remember real protests, back in the day? This effort is wimpy and uninspiring. Reines is too much of a swamp creature to fake being just one of the people willing to stand outside of the White House and make noise at the president. He’s no doubt still unable to face the fact that he’s not working in the White House with President Hillary now. He did stand in as Trump during Hillary’s debate preparation. Whenever the #OccupyLafayettePark ends, Reines will still be on the outside looking in.

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