Acoloyte Fans Launch a Campaign to Cancel Critics on YouTube

Mark Eades/The Orange County Register via AP

I really thought we were done with this after the Acolyte got canceled and the lead actress once again accused the critics of being alt-right, "hyper-conservative" bigots. But apparently that wasn't quite the end because a group of Acolyte fans have decided to mob several YouTube channels that were critical of the show in order to get them canceled. Here's an example of what the campaign looks like. 


Lots of people are sending this same form letter to YouTube.

I'm not going to transcribe the entire thing but it reads in part:

As fans of the Star Wars franchise, we have tirelessly witnessed a handful of YouTube creators continuously drive prolonged insults and harassment against marginalized actors and members of our community. Enough is enough. The Star Wars fandom demands that YouTube enforce its community guidelines against "prolonged insults" and incitement of targeted harassment towards women of color by demonetizing YouTube channels "Geeks + Gamers," "Ryan Kinsi - RK Outpost," and "Nerdrotic."

What follows is a list of particular offenses. What they leave out of course is that the star of the Acolyte put out a diss track calling her critics racist. That definitely brought more criticism to her and the show as many Star Wars fans understandably didn't appreciate it.


It's curious that they didn't include the YouTuber known as Star Wars Theory in this demand letter. He has the largest Star Wars channel on YouTube and he has been a consistent critic of the Acolyte. My guess is that they left him out because he's not white. That might make the charge of harassing "marginalized actors" a tough sell.

Anyway, it's another woke brigade looking to punish people who disagree with them. We've seen this many, many times before at this point. They've tried to claim that demonetizing these channels isn't the same as silencing them, but I think all three of the ones listed do this full time. This is their livelihood. So demonetizing would probably wind up silencing them eventually and the mob knows that.

Some of the YouTubers who are the subject of this campaign have already responded to the letter. Geeks and Gamers makes a pretty convincing case that the letter lies about what he has said in the past.

YouTube did respond to the campaign today and said they would not be removing anyone's content because it didn't violate their rules.

Naturally, supporters of canceling these channels are not happy.


They mad.

I'll give the last word to Critical Drinker. He also disliked the Acolyte but the campaigners didn't target him specifically.

That's accurate. The Acolyte was the lowest rated Star Wars show Disney has produced. It was lowest rated because it was bad. The people saying it was bad are correct about that. The are also correct that woke politics played a big role in it being bad (more on that here). It's good that YouTube isn't giving in to the bullies, at least so far.

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