Bronx ADA Caught Trying to Meet Up with 13-Year-Old

AP Photo/George Walker IV, File

This is the kind of thing that shouldn't happen and yet here we are. A Bronx prosecutor named William Kemp-Neal was caught in a sting set up for child predators. Apparently the 30-year-old thought he was meeting up with a 13-year-old boy. Instead he got confronted by a group called Dads Against Predators. The incident took place early last month.


A Bronx prosecutor abruptly resigned after he was caught on video allegedly attempting to meet a young boy he communicated with online, according to a clip produced by internet vigilantes who expose wannabe child predators.

William C.C. Kemp-Neal, 30, quit his post in the Bronx District Attorney’s office four days after the group Dads Against Predators posted footage of him filmed in the parking lot of the Target on East Sandford Boulevard in Mount Vernon.

When Kemp-Neal was confronted in the parking lot of a Target, he ran. He was chased and eventually a bystander who apparently was not with the Dads Against Predators group grabbed him and put him in a headlock. Police were called to the scene:

Although no arrests have been made and Kemp-Neal has not been charged with any crime, police have stated that officers “encountered several individuals making allegations of wrongdoing” and have promised a “comprehensive investigation.”...

Kemp-Neal resigned from the Bronx District Attorney’s office four days after the video was posted. He had been employed there since June 28, 2020, earning $84,990 annually and primarily handling cases of assault, harassment, and child endangerment.


Quite the irony that this guy worked on child endangerment cases. How many young kids did he work around over the years? It's probably something someone should be looking into.

Why no arrests nearly a month later? Obviously the local DA's office may have a bit of a conflict here if they employed this person. Also, they may be hesitant to bring charges based on the work of a vigilante group running their own independent sting operation. I don't know enough about New York law to know whether solicitation of a minor could still be charged in a case like this where prosecutors are essentially relying on a 3rd party for all of the information about what was said.

As you can see in the video below, Kemp-Neal got roughed up a bit when he tried to run. He could turn this around and claim he is the victim. I'm sort of surprised that's not how this went. But the fact that he quit might suggest there wasn't much of a defense to offer in his case. 

Of course he's innocent until proven guilty, but it doesn't look good. We'll have to wait and see if the police investigation goes anywhere.


Here's the video of the sting. Kemp-Neal seems more concerned about hiding from the cameras than he does about the chokehold. Note there is some NSFW language in this clip.

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