June Could Be a Tough Month for the Biden Family

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Hunter Biden is taking one last stab at delaying his gun trial. He already lost an appeal before a panel of judges on the 3rd Circuit Court but now he's appealing that loss to the full court.


A three-judge panel unanimously rejected his appeal earlier this month, but he’s now asking for the full 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals to review the case.

Biden’s legal team also asked the 3rd Circuit to immediately and indefinitely pause any trial proceedings while they consider his new appeal petitions.

“There is no urgency in having an immediate trial of Robert Hunter Biden, but the district court is pressing forward with a June 3, 2024 trial and imposing all the pretrial burdens that come with that,” Biden’s lawyers wrote in the filing.

The effort to delay the trial would be good news for Joe Biden if it succeeded as it would push the trial (or possibly the decision to pardon Hunter) past the election. And it would also be good news for Hunter's attorneys who would get to drag this out even longer, charging their client by the hour. But it may not be such good news for Hunter himself. Having no means of supporting himself, Hunter's legal bills have been paid by Kevin Morris, an entertainment lawyer, for the past several years this process has dragged on. But last week Morris indicated the well was close to running dry.

Kevin Morris, a Hollywood entertainment lawyer who has long supported the president’s son, has told associates that he has run out of resources to help fund Biden’s legal defense, according to a person close to Morris who was granted anonymity to discuss private conversations.

“The reason Kevin got involved financially in the first place was that he could see that no one was going to help Hunter,” said the person. “Now, four and a half years later, there’s still no help — and now Kevin is completely tapped out. So just when Hunter is facing two criminal trials starting in a few weeks, he has no resources. It’s pretty dire.”


Given the financial situation, delaying the trial even longer seems like a bad move for Hunter. But of course all of this is really about protecting Joe Biden from awkward campaign moments. Today the Washington Post reports the Biden team is "bracing" for what is shaping up to be a very difficult June.

At 8:30 a.m. on June 3, Hunter Biden is scheduled to report to Courtroom 4A in Wilmington, Del., facing his most dire legal peril to date and the possibility of a federal conviction on charges that he lied about his drug use when he purchased a firearm.

The next day, President Biden is scheduled to depart for Paris on a foreign trip that could not come at a worse personal moment. It sets up what could be a tumultuous month for the president, with his son scheduled to undergo two federal trials — one in Delaware and one in California — as the president takes two foreign trips, hosts a fundraiser with former president Barack Obama and holds a critical debate with his opponent Donald Trump.

Biden has increasingly expressed deep concerns about his son, worrying about him on a daily basis, partly reflecting a feeling of responsibility for, in a sense, putting Hunter in this situation, aides say.

Last July when Hunter was supposed to plead guilty as part of a deal that would shield him from future charges, Joe Biden apparently cleared his schedule. This year he can't afford to do that.

So you have a president who has to kick his campaign into a higher gear next month at the same time that his son is involved in two trials, either of which could send him to prison. That's a level of personal and professional pressure that would be a lot for any person, especially an 81-year-old, to take. Can Joe Biden take it?


"He is fully capable of what will be a demanding month," Sen. Chris Coons, a Biden surrogate, told the Post. That's what he's supposed to say but he can't really know that. James Carville sounded less confident saying Biden would just have to "gut through it." He's right that Joe has no alternative, but next month could be the moment that something has to give. Most significantly, Joe Biden may have to give up on his oft-repeated claim that his son did nothing wrong. I guess we'll find out if he can manage it.

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