Sarah Silverman: 'I'm heartbroken' over Tamika Mallory's refusal to denounce Farrakhan

It’s a sign of the zeitgeist that even reliable lefty Sarah Silverman is signaling her displeasure with Women’s March co-chair Tamika Mallory just a few days before the 3rd march is set to take place.


I have to give her credit here because she really has nailed it. What’s offensive about Mallory is that she wants to castigate the right in general and Trump in particular but she can’t seem to generate an iota of outrage about “Minister Farrakhan” and his blatant anti-Semitism. It’s not just wrong it’s hypocritical too.

Silverman may have been holding out hope for Mallory when she posted that tweet but if she read Mallory’s interview with Elle Magazine she should probably abandon that hope. Here’s what Mallory said:

To be effective when organizing people who have been discarded by society it does not make sense for me to throw away an organization—like the Nation of Islam—that has been very effective at reaching the hearts and minds of young black men to turning them away from violence.


In fact, maybe Silverman did read that because a few hours later she retweeted a link to this opinion piece at Haaretz comparing Mallory’s anti-Semitism to that of Jeremy Corbyn.

One of the founders and leaders of the Women’s March, and a serial booster for Louis Farrakhan, Mallory refuses to see what blatantly stares the rest of us in the face: Farrakhan’s grotesque and explicit hatred of Jews, which is fundamental to his iteration of the Nation of Islam’s ideology.

Watching Mallory being cross-questioned by Megan McCain on The View this week was excruciating for those who still held out some small hope that the Women’s March leadership had in fact turned a corner towards seeing their Jewish sisters. She was given (yet another) nationally televised opportunity to set the record straight, and to reset the March on the right path. But she couldn’t, and wouldn’t…

Those that remain in these movements that stink from the head are either masochists with a moral backbone who have the energy to keep seeking change from within, and those who have blind spots about the specific kind of prejudice called anti-Semitism – or were never so bothered about it anyway.

In any cases, it’s hard to deny that thanks to Corbyn and Mallory, two significant progressive spaces have become unfriendly, if not unsafe, spaces for many Jews.


I don’t really think the Women’s March is an unsafe space for Jews, but you’d have to be crazy to ignore the anti-Semitism of Louis Farrakhan or the fondness most of the Women’s March co-chairs seem to have for him. Silverman deserves some credit for saying as much. In fact, what she said here is a lot more than the DNC or the SPLC did when they dropped their association with Women’s March.

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