Sacramento counter-protest against white nationalist group turns violent

A white nationalist/neo-Nazi group called the “Traditionalist Workers Party” got a permit to stage a rally in Sacramento. A much larger group of counter-protesters, many dressed in black and covering their faces, showed up hours early to “protest” the march. As the white nationalists arrived things quickly turned violent. From the LA Times:


At least five people were stabbed, some critically, during clash between a neo-Nazi rally and counter protesters at the state capitol in Sacramento Sunday, fire officials said.

Chris Harvey, public information officer for the Sacramento Fire Department, said five patients were transported to local hospitals with critical stab wounds. Several other people suffered cuts, scrapes and bruises but were not taken to the hospital, Harvey said.

“It was quite a bit of a melee,” Harvey said, mentioning that several different groups had descended on the Capitol, including counter protesters.

ABC reporter Frances Wang was at the scene shooting photos, video and live tweeting the chaos as it happened:


The Sacramento Bee published this video of the counter-protesters harassing a news crew who were filming them:

This tweet comes from the guy who runs the Traditionalist Worker Party. Here are the people that were supposed to be marching/protesting today. Note that most of them also have their faces covered and many carry shields:

Fairly soon it became clear the counter-protesters were also looking for a fight. Police had to step in:

But it soon turned into an all-out melee against anyone who looked like they were part of the white nationalist group:


Counter-protesters, even the injured ones, still don’t want their faces on camera:

This is just chaos:

Finally, less than an hour after it was scheduled to begin, the original protest is canceled by police:

It seems police did not demand all of the white nationalists leave however and stuck around to insure no one else got hurt:

But it seems the masked counter-protesters kept going after anyone they thought might be with the white nationalist group, including someone shooting video who claimed he had nothing to do with them:


Finally, things calmed down:

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Ed Morrissey 9:20 PM | October 15, 2024