House Oversight Committee votes to censor IRS Commissioner

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted to approve a resolution designed to censure IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. The Committee announced the vote and the reasons behind it in a press release:


The Resolution expresses the sense of the House that Mr. Koskinen engaged in a pattern of conduct inconsistent with the trust and confidence placed in him as an Officer of the United States, urges Mr. Koskinen’s resignation or removal, and requires forfeiture of his government pension and any other federal benefits for which he is eligible.

Chairman Jason Chaffetz tells The Hill that this is the first step toward impeachment, but this sense of the House vote does not require any follow up from the Senate:

Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who introduced the resolution and has also introduced a measure to impeach Koskinen, said “censure is a first step” toward impeachment.

He called the resolution a “necessary repercussion” for Koskinen.

“We owe it to the American people to ensure their government officials are held accountable for misconduct,” Chaffetz said. “When there’s a duly issued subpoena, you have to comply with it. When you come to Congress, you must testify truthfully.”

The measure passed on a party line vote. The committee’s press release directed readers to this video providing a timeline of the IRS targeting scandal:

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