SCOTUS Approves Arizona Law Requiring Voter ID

New York City Hall via AP, File

The Supreme Court delivered something of a gut punch to Kamala Harris and the Democrats yesterday, upholding an Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to be able to register to vote. The decision was to take effect immediately. Democrats in Arizona had challenged the law and managed to put it on hold temporarily, but that door has been slammed shut. The Democratic Attorney General and Secretary of State of Arizona both refused to take up the issue and enforce the law that would ensure that only U.S. citizens can register to vote. At Townhall, Katie Pavilich has the details. The RNC is taking a well-deserved victory lap this morning.


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a new Arizona law -- which requires individuals to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote -- can go into effect immediately. 

The Republican National Committee is celebrating the decision as a win for election integrity.

“This is a major victory for election integrity that upholds a simple principle: American elections must be decided by American citizens. While Democrats have worked to undermine basic election safeguards and make it easier for non-citizens to vote, we have fought tooth and nail to preserve citizenship requirements, see the law enforced, and secure our elections. The Supreme Court has sided with the RNC, and the American people, to protect the vote in November," RNC Chairman Michael Whatley released in a statement.

On Wednesday, the Democrats showed us their cards when it comes to this issue (subscription required) by rolling out their new proposal that would legalize the tens of millions of illegal aliens currently in the country and grant them all the right to vote in only a few years. That's been their plan all along, though most of them were too embarrassed to admit it until now. It feels as if the mask was fully pulled away yesterday.

The Supreme Court is simply recognizing a few basic tenets of democracy here. Each state has the ability to set its own voting laws as determined by the representatives of the people. Those laws can define when, where, and how people cast their ballots. But only citizens are entitled to vote in federal elections. The same principle applies to most state and local elections as well. 


This decision by the court extends those guardrails in a key manner. The same restrictions that apply to the act of casting a vote must be extended to the act of registering to vote. Once you extend an invitation to someone to register to vote, their name is added to the voter rolls automatically in most cases. When you then provide that person with a valid identification card, there is nothing preventing them from showing up at their local polling site and voting. It remains a daunting task to check the status of each person who attempts to cast a vote if their name is on the list and they have an ID card. As we have seen recently in too many places to list here, when you make it easier for people to vote illegally, a certain percentage of people will attempt to do so.

That's what the Democrats have been counting on all along. They wouldn't be so solidly in favor of open borders if there wasn't something in it for them that would allow them to retain their grip on power. The rest of the downstream effects of massive illegal migration are far too negative and unpopular. But if you can win enough elections by hook or by crook, then it will be your people who are creating or changing the voting laws and appointing the judges who will rule on such questions. It's a monster that feeds itself. That's why these efforts to promote fraudulent voting need to be shut down at the grassroots level. Yesterday, the Supreme Court took a major step in allowing that to happen. You can read some of the key elements of the decision in the tweet embedded below. It contains plenty of complicated legalese, but the gist of it remains clear. This was a win for the RNC and the cause of securing our electoral process.


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