
DNC Platform Rolls Out Plan To Legalize All Illegal Aliens

AP Photo/Alex Brandon, file

Amid all of the speeches, celebrity endorsements, and ballon drops, the Democratic National Convention also included the rollout of the party's latest platform. Much of it was the typical liberal dogma we've grown used to in recent years, but there were a couple of poison pills included as well. Reaching far further than they have dared in the past, the platform includes a proposal to pass what is being called "The U.S. Citizenship Act" as part of the laughably named "Expanding Legal Immigration & Deterring Illegal Immigration" plank of the platform. One of its primary goals has nothing whatsoever to do with "deterring illegal immigration." In fact, it would take the vast majority of the more than ten million illegal aliens already in the country and create a pathway for them to become "lawful prospective immigrants." They would then be eligible to receive ID cards, Social Security Numbers, the right to vote, and to join the military. In other words, they would become citizens in all but name. (Daily Wire)

The Democratic Party’s 2024 platform endorses a bill that would create a pathway for illegal immigrants to become “lawful prospective immigrants” who would be issued IDs and Social Security numbers and be able to vote and join the U.S. military.

The U.S. Citizenship Act would empower the Homeland Security Secretary to “adjust the status of a lawful prospective immigrant to that of a lawful permanent resident” should an immigrant remain in the country for five years, without absences longer than 180 days. The bill would also allow deported illegals to return if they had lived in the United States for at least three years.

“The legal immigration framework was last updated in 1990 and does not reflect the needs of our country in the 21st century,” the “Expanding Legal Immigration & Deterring Illegal Immigration” plank of the DNC platform says. “The U.S. Citizenship Act would permanently increase family-sponsored and employment-based immigration.”

This scheme is nothing short of full-blown amnesty and goes even further than that. Digging into the details, any illegal migrants would qualify simply by remaining in the country for five years. Even the illegals we managed to deport would be invited to return if they had previously been in the country for just three years. There is a bunch of word salad included about "family-sponsored" or "employment-based" immigration, but it sounds as if the migrants will not have to have a sponsor who is related to them or even a steady means of employment to qualify.

Even committing crimes wouldn't bar the migrants from accessing the programs in most cases. If they can manage to avoid committing a felony for ten years or more than three misdemeanors in five years, they could still follow the "pathway" forward toward citizenship. And the felony provision doesn't apply to all felonies. Repeatedly returning to the country and illegally entering is a felony, but those crimes would not count toward disqualification. The migrants also won't have to worry about finding work because the bill would bar employers from considering an applicant's citizenship status in the hiring process. Hefty fines would be imposed on employers found to be "discriminating" against migrants in this fashion.

Border enforcement agents and immigration judges would be forced to undergo mandatory DEI training. Just to put some icing on the cake, American taxpayers would be responsible for paying the legal fees of the illegal migrants if they ran into any trouble in the courts. I would like to say I'm surprised at the audacity of the authors of this pile of garbage, but I'm not. This is everything that the Democrats have been dreaming about but had previously been too timid to say out loud. (Well, most of them were too timid.) The good news thus far is that the U.S. Citizenship Act has attracted exactly zero Republican sponsors. It stands no chance of making it through the Senate even if the Democrats hold/retake slim majorities in both chambers. Any Republican foolish enough to attach their name to it would be quickly shown the door in the next primary election.

In a way, we're fortunate that the Democrats were actually willing to put all of this down in writing. Illegal immigration remains a top concern among many voters, including in some key demographics, particularly Hispanic voters. Now the Democrats have laid their cards out on the table for all to see. I seriously doubt they will enjoy the response they receive from the voting public.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024