NY Vigilantes Beat, Capture Migrant Who Raped 13-Year-Old Girl

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This story coming out of New York City is a tragic one that we've been hearing all too often lately. A 25-year-old illegal migrant from Venezuela had taken up residence in New York City recently. Last week, he launched a brutal attack on a pair of teenagers in a park in Queens. Wielding a machete-style knife, he forced the boy and girl into a secluded section of the park, tied them up, and sexually assaulted the girl. Unfortunately for the felon, he had a large, distinctive tattoo on his chest that the teens were able to describe to the police, allowing them to identify him. A manhunt began, but the cops were unable to locate him. They put out public notifications warning people to be cautious and requesting help in locating the monster. They wound up getting more help than they requested. One local man recognized the picture and went to stake out a store where he had seen the creep before. When the migrant showed up to attempt to purchase some beer, the man and some of his neighbors tackled him, beat the heck out of him, and tied him up until the police arrived. Some are calling this "vigilante justice." But it's just "justice" as far as I'm concerned. (NY Post)


A 25-year-old Ecuadorean migrant wanted for the brutal sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl at a Queens park was nabbed after good Samaritans smacked him around and tied him up with a belt.

“I seen him a few times — he comes to this store to buy stuff,” Jeffrey Flores, who pounced on the creep. “I waited for him. I waited the whole day to see if he would come up. He came at night.

“He came in, we went to buy something,” Flores, 24, told The Post. “I saw what he was trying to do, he looked back at me. I waited for him to come out the store and dragged him to the floor. A couple people helped me.”

The migrant was later identified as Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi. He now faces charges of rape, kidnapping, and sex abuse, and is amazingly being held without bail. You can see photos of him after his arrest in the linked report. He was clearly in rough shape after his encounter with the angry locals. He was attempting to hide under a parked car to escape the wrath of the neighborhood, but they dragged him back out again. One woman could be heard in the crowd yelling, "beat his a**."

The man who instigated the capture explained his motivation. He is married, with a wife, sisters, and a daughter on the way. He doesn't want rapists roaming his neighborhood, particularly those sick enough to attack children. Inga-Landi should count himself fortunate to have made it to a jail cell alive. If the police hadn't arrived as quickly as they did, he could have wound up facing a "final resolution" at the hands of the crowd. The good news is that none of the people who brought him down are being prosecuted.


I'm sure there will be people who are critical of how this played out. We have not traditionally supported vigilante justice in America. That's now how the system is supposed to work. But the problem is, many things about that system are simply dysfunctional at this point. The police do the best they can, but they are simply overwhelmed by the sheer volume of illegal migrants and wannabe gangbangers swarming the streets. It was only a matter of time before concerned citizens began taking matters into their own hands.

This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Perhaps we could turn a blind eye if the guy had simply been stealing beer from a local bodega. But when there is someone loose in the community who is willing to tie up and sexually assault a 13-year-old girl, something needs to be done. It's true that there is always a risk that an angry mob might take down the wrong person, but in this case, Inga-Landi had a very distinctive tattoo that was impossible to miss. (A smarter criminal would have known to keep his shirt on no matter how hot the weather was.) In short, I won't be shedding any tears over how this rapist was treated. Perhaps this episode will send a message to the rest of his ilk.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024