
ICE Nabs Another Child-Raping Illegal

Courtesy of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

No matter how many of these stories we hear, it never gets any easier to take them in. In fact, sometimes it gets considerably worse and this is almost certainly one of those occasions. The subject in question today is 24-year-old Yader Alexander Morales-Queved, an illegal alien from Guatemala. It's not known precisely when and where he entered the country because Morales-Queved was classified as a gotaway. What is known is that he made his way to Massachusetts and allegedly raped a child. While there is obviously no "good news" associated with this story, officials have finally identified someone they plan to hold accountable. He will not be released while awaiting a court date, and officials in Boston sound like they are ready to throw the book at him. That would only bring cold comfort because it comes too late for the child he attacked and their family. (Daily Caller)

Deportation officers apprehended an illegal immigrant who entered the United States undetected and allegedly raped a minor in Massachusetts, according to federal immigration authorities.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents apprehended on May 28 Yader Alexander Morales-Queved, a 24-year-old Guatemalan national accused of raping a minor in Bristol County, the agency announced on Monday. ICE noted that he entered the country undetected at an unknown time and location and without being inspected or paroled by any federal immigration officials, classifying him as a “gotaway.”

“Yader Alexander Morales-Quevedo will have his day in court, but he is facing some very serious charges,” ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd Lyons stated. “He posed a significant threat to the children in our Massachusetts communities.”

There seems to be some confusion about either the dates involved or the number of times Morales-Quevedo has had run-ins with the law. It's being reported that he was apprehended by ICE on May 28. But later in the report, it is stated that the New Bedford District Court arraigned Morales-Quevedo in August 2022, again for the alleged rape of a minor, later elevating the charges to Superior Court. It then says that he was arraigned by the Bristol County Superior Court in January 2023 for “rape of a child and for child in nude, lascivious pose/exhibit.” I suppose that the actions at the New Bedford District Court and at the Bristol County Superior Court five months later could have been dealing with the same offenses. Presumably, they had him in custody if they were able to arraign him. So how is it that ICE apprehended him last month? Did they let him out? Did he escape? Are all of these charges dealing with the same attack or has he attacked more than one child?

Massachusetts appears to be dealing with more than its fair share of monsters who have crossed the border. The same report notes that the ICE office in Boston on Friday criticized officials in Rhode Island who released another illegal immigrant who was charged with sexual assault of an individual with a “severe mental handicap.” That migrant had an ICE detainer against him, but the Rhode Island officials ignored it and released him anyway. It's really enough to make you spit nails.

All of these horror stories are infuriating but they all share one thing in common. None of them should have happened. These monsters should not only not have been walking free, but they never should have been in the country to begin with. Children are being sexually assaulted along with the mentally handicapped. None of it should have happened. Laken Riley never should have been killed. There is one person responsible for all of this and his name is Joe Biden. 

Even if Biden is unceremoniously booted from office this November, how are we ever supposed to recover from this level of damage? The Daily Caller notes that the estimated number of gotaways is now believed to be in excess of 1.6 million. Those aren't the ones showing up at the fence wearing their "Biden, Please Let Us In" shirts. These are the ones who are intentionally trying to not get caught. We can rest assured that those 1.6 million people have a reason to not want to encounter law enforcement. They are probably the worst of the worst, though some of the ones being paroled into the country are bad enough as it is. We may have Yader Alexander Morales-Queved behind bars, but there are literally millions more like him out there that will need to be tracked down and dealt with. It could take a generation. In the meantime, how many more children will suffer the fate of that child in Massachusetts? Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas don't just need to be impeached. They should be in jail. 

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