Is DC Safe? KJP: Ummm

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

By this point, we should have learned to simply not pay attention to anything that Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says from the White House podium. She makes that difficult, however, because she continues to roll out some of the most jaw-dropping falsehoods imaginable, no matter how mundane the topic might be. This week's entry in the Liars' Hall of Fame came when she was asked if the President believes that Washington, D.C. is safe enough for Americans to come visit. She immediately dropped into her typical hemming and hawing without providing a direct answer to the question. She then defended Joe Biden as having "taken action" and attempted to blame Congressional Republicans for the problem. To her credit, she finally found one topic where she didn't directly blame Donald Trump by name. (From Spencer Brown at Townhall)


In the long-running saga of President Biden and the White House's refusal to accept responsibility for, well, anything going wrong in America, Wednesday saw Biden's press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre again seek to scapegoat Republicans for the surging violent crime in the Democrat-run nation's capital. 

The latest instance of literally unbelievable spin from KJP came after she refused to say whether President Biden thinks the nation's capital is safe enough for Americans to come visit when asked about still-surging crime in D.C.

"I mean, look, we hear the reports and see the data as well and all violent crime anywhere is completely unacceptable, not just here in D.C., we're going to call them all out in communities across the country, everyone in every community in the country wants the same thing — they want their families to be safe," Jean-Pierre rambled on in her non-answer response.

KJP insisted that Joe Biden is working to "make communities safer." She then immediately politicized the issue by saying, "We're just not seeing that from Republicans." She had been asked the question because three District police officers were shot this week while attempting to serve a warrant. Thankfully, none of their injuries were considered life-threatening. However, that incident was only one small story in the ongoing decay of safety in the capital. Violent crime in DC shot up by 39% last year while overall crime rose by 24%.


Everything that happens out in the streets of DC is the responsibility of the District, not Congress, apart from the fact that Congress must approve all new laws passed in DC. Even then, it would be a fool's errand for Biden or KJP to try to point the finger of blame at Republicans. The District of Columbia is ruled by Democrats and that has been the case for most of living memory for the majority of people. The Mayor is a Democrat and the City Council is dominated by Democrats.

DC has been turning into a crime-infested hellscape because of a series of soft-on-crime policies enacted by Democrats and efforts to defund and defang the police, also pushed entirely by Democrats. Carjackings in the District almost doubled last year. That surge was largely driven by repeat juvenile offenders. In other words, there has been an increase in gang activity. Rape and sexual assault surged as well. In November, a man attempted to forcibly rape a woman on a metro train in the middle of the day.

Trying to claim that the District of Columbia is "safe" for visitors is preposterous. Granted, it's an ambiguous question because some areas are generally safer than others and many people who visit may wind up leaving without incident. But it's obviously not safe for everyone and the longer you stay there, the greater the odds that you'll run into problems. But none of this is the fault of "Congressional Republicans" no matter how badly Joe Biden wants to shift the blame. This is another enormous, obvious lie from the podium at the White House. I would say these people have no shame, but they clearly lack the capacity for such feelings.


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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024