About That Letter From National Security Leaders

AP Photo/Eric Gay

This is an item that Karen looked at last week, but as the situation on the border continues to unfold, it’s really been stuck in my brain. (Be sure to check out her analysis if you missed it on Friday.) We’re talking about that letter sent by 10 former leaders of the FBI, CBP, and intelligence agencies to the leadership in the House and the Senate. In it, they addressed what they see as the real threat posed by our open southern border and the potential dangers that we are almost certainly facing. They don’t focus on the crowded shelters and hospitals that the migrants are overrunning or even the fentanyl overdoses and human trafficking. They discuss the tens or hundreds of thousands of single military-aged men who have crept into our country and disappeared, many of whom were never encountered or checked by border officials. The threat is dire enough to have gotten the attention of these security experts and caused them to raise a red flag for the heads of the legislative branch. (NY Post)


The Biden administration’s border policy poses an “imminent danger” to the US, which has been “invaded” by “military-aged men from around the globe,” a group of former FBI officials warned.

In a letter sent Jan. 17 to leaders in the House and Senate, 10 former FBI senior executives said the migrant crisis is ” the most pernicious ever to menace the United States.

“In its modern history, the US has never suffered an invasion of the homeland, and yet one is unfolding now,” according to the officials, which included former Terrorist Screening Center Director Timothy Healy, FBI assistant directors Kevin Brock and Chris Swecker, and Mark Morgan, the former acting commissioner US Customs and Border Protection who also an ex-FBI superintendent.

I agree with Karen that it is notable that the letter’s authors chose to use the word “invasion,” just as Greg Abbot has done. But they put this danger in context by describing it as “the most pernicious ever to menace the United States.” Let that phrase sink in for a moment if you haven’t already. This country has been through a lot since the Founders launched us on this journey. We’ve faced wars with the British Empire, the Spanish, and more. We’ve had traitors try to take us down from within multiple times. We’ve been hit with multiple plagues and one of the worst terror attacks the world has ever seen, and still, we staggered along and remained standing. But this is the most pernicious menace we have faced.


An army of single young men suitably aged for military service has disappeared into our society. Many come from clearly adversarial nations. We don’t know who they are, where they are, or what their intentions might be. This paints a very different, stark picture from the typical sob stories being peddled in most of the mainstream media about desperate families fleeing hunger and oppression seeking a fresh start in America. This sounds like an assembly of people custom-made for the development of terror cells.

The threat here is obvious enough to the experts that we should be paying attention. We’ve seen the carnage that one or two Islamic extremists can inflict with little more than a car, a couple of firearms, and a crude, homemade explosive device. What could a crew like this pull off in an orchestrated effort? If they are here in anywhere near the numbers that are being estimated, it wouldn’t have to be one isolated attack. They could readily orchestrate a day of reckoning on a wide scale. With support from foreign assets, they could bring buildings down and collapse infrastructure in multiple cities simultaneously. Such an event could make October 7 look like a stroll in the park.

Does that sound too alarmist or paranoid? I’ll readily admit that some of these younger males simply may have decided to accept Joe Biden’s invitation and traveled here alone because they had no family members to bring with them. But all of them? We have many highly motivated enemies who undoubtedly know how to move sophisticated technology over an open border and make contact with moles previously established in our country. Is that a risk you’re willing to take to pacify the political agenda of a globalist, leftist political party here at home? The answer from me is definitely not.


This isn’t just “an immigration problem.” The immigration aspect of all of this was sorted out long before Joe Biden came into power and unraveled it all. And those aspects of it can be fixed with a new President with strong border policies, though the work will take years. What we’re dealing with now is a significant potential terrorism problem. It too is a result of Biden’s border policies, but it may wind up being far more devastating than the mess we see in the shelters and on the streets on the nightly news. I dearly hope this doesn’t come to pass and that there are people working behind the scenes to head off such an eventuality. But with the crew we have in charge at the moment, my confidence is low at best.

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