Biden's Christmas Present for You: Another Record Number of Illegal Border Crossings

(AP Photo/Oscar Rivera)

Ho, ho, ho. If your annual letter to Santa included a request for even more flooding of the country with illegal aliens despite the White House’s claims to be “working with Republicans” on the issue, you don’t need to wait to check under the Christmas tree Monday morning. Your gift actually arrived a couple of weeks ago, though it barely made a ripple in the legacy media’s coverage of the topic. Customs and Border Patrol is reporting that they recorded 242,418 illegal migrants encountered at the southern border in November. That’s the highest total for the month of November on record… in history. Only two other months in the entire Biden administration have been higher. And no other president has ever even come remotely close.


Here are the numbers in one awful chart, provided by RNC Research.

Brace yourself, because that’s not the end of the festive holiday news. Just in time for your Ho, Ho, Ho festivities to welcome in the new year, we’re already on track to break that record yet again this month. We passed 167,000 in the first 17 days of December.

And what does the White House have to say for itself? According to KJP, this is all perfectly normal. Or at least it’s “not unusual.” Click to watch the video below and observe how our incredibly special Press Secretary is able to pull off this line with a straight face.


The sad part is that this truly IS normal for Biden. And it’s all by design. Prior to January 2021, this would have been well beyond anything resembling “unusual.” According to the Obama administration (Joe’s old boss, as you will recall), any number of illegal border crossings in a single day in excess of 1,000 would meet the definition of a “border crisis.” This month we are averaging ten times the “crisis” level every single day. And this isn’t even the worst month of the Biden administration. But they don’t see it as being “the worst.” If the GOP wasn’t trying to leverage Ukraine aid as a way to get Biden to do something about this crisis, he wouldn’t be saying a word. This was the plan from the very beginning. They wanted to flood the country with illegals no matter what it did to the lives of our rank-and-file citizens.

If you don’t want to believe me, perhaps you will believe your own lying eyes. At Fox News, they’ve been covering the border and providing video footage daily. And the past week’s activities are leaving some of the most hardened, experienced border agents with their mouths slack-jawed.

Migrant encounters at the southern border have already surged past the 200,000 mark for December, with an average of well over 10,000 encounters a day, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources tell Fox News — with still more than a week to go in the month.

Sources told Fox that there have already been over 200,000 encounters in December. The record for monthly encounters was set in September, with over 269,000. October saw over 240,000 encounters.


All I wanted for Christmas was a secure border and a return to the normal rules of order. Instead, I’ll be getting… wait. I almost said a lump of coal in my stocking, but Biden is eliminating coal also.

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