We Still Have an Iranian Mole Inside the Pentagon

Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP

You may recall a stunning report from September that looked into an infrequently discussed Pentagon group known as the Iran Experts Initiative. In it, we learned about one of Joe Biden’s Iranian “experts” who was probably far too much of an expert in this field. Ariane Tabatabai is an Iranian-born aide and chief of staff to a Pentagon Assistant Secretary of Defense. She initially worked alongside the now-suspended Robert Malley on Biden’s efforts to restart Obama’s Iran nuclear deal. But the September report suggests she was working far more on behalf of the Iranian regime than our government. Still, she managed to keep both her new job at the Pentagon and her security clearance. Today, a new report was delivered to Biden revealing that Tabatabai was up to other activities. She worked on a covert campaign to smear the leading opposition group in Iran in support of the Iranian regime. And yet she is somehow still embedded inside of the Pentagon. (NY Post)


An Iranian-born Pentagon aide, who was revealed earlier this year to be part of a years-long, Tehran-backed influence operation, also sought to undermine the leading group resisting the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to a new report delivered to President Biden.

Ariane Tabatabai has retained her security clearance and position as chief of staff to the Pentagon’s assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict — despite a bombshell Semafor report in September detailing her ties to senior Iranian Foreign Ministry officials.

But Tabatabai and founding members of the influence operation, known as the Iran Experts Initiative, were also engaged in a “covert campaign” to smear the nation’s leading opposition group, known as the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), according to a recent report endorsed by former vice presidential national security adviser Lincoln Bloomfield and written by a University of Baltimore professor.

Will this sway Joe Biden to finally take some action? I wouldn’t count on it. We already know that Biden has been bending over backward and shoveling billions of dollars to Iran, all in an effort to curry favor with them. He does this despite being fully aware that Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism on the planet and that’s where most of our money goes. That money is currently funding groups that are attacking American forces on a daily basis around the Middle East.

So why would he mind having someone working in his Pentagon who is a Mullah-loving activist who sought to undermine the opposition to the Iranian terror regime? Why wouldn’t he allow her to keep a very sensitive security clearance and retain access to some of our most classified information regarding our adversary that is working to wipe Israel from the face of the planet? She was working covertly to undercut the Mojahedin-e Khalq. They are one of the only groups in Iran that fight for the rights of the women and children oppressed by the Mullahs and the “morality police.”


No matter how badly this administration handles virtually every policy matter of importance, the Biden team still manages to shock me on a regular basis. I suppose it’s possible that this woman somehow flew under the radar during her initial background checks and slid into a position inside the government. But multiple people in the know, both at home and abroad have come out and flatly called her an Iranian spy. How much does it take to lose a security clearance these days? Will we be offering a position to Kim Jong-un’s sister next?

We have serious problems with Iran right now and the situation in Israel and Gaza has amplified them many times over. We are dangerously close to the point where we may have to take direct military action against Iranian assets, assuming Biden has the stomach for it. Will Ariane Tabatabai have access to information about such missions in advance? After all, she is supposedly an Iran Experts Initiative member. If she’s leaking information back to Tehran it could literally put Americans’ lives at risk. Perhaps she’s not, but with her background is it really worth taking the chance? I would argue it’s not. How Joe Biden chooses to handle this report will say even more about where he truly stands and his fitness to be our Commander-in-Chief.

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