Hunter Biden's "art patron" visited the White House at least a dozen times

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

It was just yesterday that we discovered who one of the “patrons” was who purchased some of Hunter Biden’s ridiculously overpriced “artwork” a couple of years ago. A bit more digging revealed that Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali wasn’t just a lover of poorly crafted paintings. She was also a sizable donor to both Joe Biden’s campaigns and the DNC. She also hosted high-dollar fundraisers for Democrats in her ritzy Hollywood home. She received an appointment (unpaid) to a prestigious commission from Joe Biden raising ethics questions about the arrangement. But now we’ve learned that the relationship was even closer. Visitor logs indicate that Ms. Hirsh Naftali visited the White House at least a dozen times and was hosted by some of Joe Biden’s most senior aides. (Free Beacon)


The California real estate investor who purchased Hunter Biden’s art has landed more than a dozen private White House visits, including a one-on-one meeting with one of President Joe Biden’s most senior advisers.

Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali has visited the White House at least 13 times since December 2021, according to a Washington Free Beacon review of White House visitor logs. Naftali attended several large events at the White House but has also had several more intimate visits. She met White House senior adviser Neera Tanden on March 21, the visitor logs show.

Naftali was identified Monday as a buyer of Hunter Biden’s art work, a revelation that raises significant ethics concerns for the White House. President Joe Biden appointed Naftali, who owns a commercial real estate firm in Los Angeles, to the prestigious Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad just nine months after the younger Biden’s first art show. Naftali has donated more than $13,000 to the Biden campaign and $36,500 to the Democratic National Committee.

At first glance, as sordid as it may seem, none of this looks all that unusual by Washington standards. Well-heeled people seeking influence or favors donate money and raise more of it from their wealthy friends. They are later rewarded with whatever perks they were seeking if they wound up backing the right candidates. If we’re being honest, too much of this happens in both parties, but it’s how the swamp operates.


But any time you start talking about large amounts of money sloshing around and any of the Bidens are involved, you have to perk your ears up. That’s particularly true now that we’ve learned so much more about Biden Inc. and the various sources of the Bidens’ fabulous wealth. As the people from Burisma and some Chinese energy firms know all too well, when you start dishing out money to the Bidens you expect something in return.

If Naftali had only donated money in one campaign, received her appointment, and went on her way, it could probably be written off as transactional politicking. But even after the objective was apparently accomplished, she kept coming back for more visits. She runs a real estate empire in Hollywood. What could she possibly have to talk about with Biden’s team that many times? Was she getting something else out of the deal?

Let’s also remember that the commission Naftali received an appointment to was the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. Back in 2015, when Uncle Joe was still the Veep, Hunter’s old business partner Eric Schwerin also received an appointment to the same commission. A coincidence? I’m well past the point where I’m willing to believe that there are any coincidences when it comes to Biden Inc.

This discovery was only made because of searches of the White House visitor logs. Joe Biden has spent at least half of his presidency on vacation, most of the time at his mansions in Delaware. The media has consistently been refused access to any visitor logs at those residences. In fact, the Secret Service keeps telling us that no such logs exist. (A mind-boggling claim since we’re talking about who can or can’t walk right into the President’s house.) How many other people have had “business” with the Bidens that we’re never going to find out about? Did any money change hands? And what might they have received in exchange? Sadly, we may never know.


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