Is this why Tara Reade fled to Russia? UPDATED

AP Photo/Donald Thompson

[See update at the end of the article]

When Tara Reade fled to Russia last month and applied for Russian citizenship, we were left speculating about the reason she might have had to do such a thing. Some cited social media posts from previous years where she had praised Vladimir Putin and the Russian people. Others pointed to rumors that she had been dating a Russian citizen. But was there more to the story that we weren’t being told? According to her attorney, Dr. Jonathan Levy of London, there certainly was. He has released a letter that Reade sent to the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression. He claims that Reade was in “imminent danger” of being arrested and persecuted for speaking out about her allegations of sexual assault at the hands of Joe Biden.


This is an urgent appeal on behalf of Tara Reade, a U.S. citizen currently seeking temporary asylum in Russia. Ms. Reade is a public interest whistleblower, podcaster and author, who is being unlawfully and politically persecuted by elements of the United States government aligned with President Joseph Biden and the Democratic Party. Her right to the freedom of opinion and expression has been and is being interdicted by politically weaponized law enforcement surveillance bolstered by a coordinated social media campaign, personal threats, and false accusations of treason, perjury and espionage in the media.

The United States’ persecution of Tara Reade is based upon fabricated allegations of espionage, criminal perjury and treason and violates her rights under international law, punishes her for seeking to report and expose the truth about a sexual assault and cover-up by President Joseph Biden, and is designed to intimidate, discredit, and silence all American whistleblowers who report sexual abuse by politicians and government officials.

These are some heady allegations that Reade is making. It’s also not entirely clear what she hopes to do by going through the United Nations. She’s asking the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression to request an explanation from the U.S. envoys to the UN about these allegations. But the UN really doesn’t have any enforcement authority to do anything about it.

So could all of this really be true? It might explain a couple of the more curious comments she made when fleeing the United States. She said that, in America, it had been “very difficult to know if I’m safe or not.” She went on to say, “I just didn’t want to walk home and walk into a cage or be killed.”


At the time, that sounded like a case of rampant paranoia. But if she was about to be arrested and charged with everything up to and including treason (!?), perhaps she had some valid concerns. But would Biden’s people actually sick the DOJ on Reade? Her allegations have been out there for years now. Could they really have been thinking of hitting her with charges of criminal perjury? Even more unbelievable is the idea that they could accuse her of espionage or treason.

Yes, the DOJ is totally weaponized under the Biden administration and they have aggressively pursued those perceived to be the President’s political opponents. And Reade has certainly been a thorn in Biden’s side, despite being mostly ignored by the MSM. But attempting to imprison a woman who has claimed that you sexually assaulted her in the distant past seems like a very large bridge too far even for the Biden team.

A request for comment was not answered by her attorney this morning. If we get something I’ll update here as appropriate.

UPDATE: (Jazz)

We received a response from Reade’s attorney, Dr. Levy. He provided us with a copy of a subpoena that Twitter’s Trust and Safety office received from a U.S. District Court in California in June of 2020. (The pdf file is attached.) The Justice Department was seeking all of Tara Reade’s personal information associated with her Twitter account. They believe this move by Twitter (pre-Musk) was meant to intimidate her.

Further, the attorney revealed to us that Reade had been in talks with Matt Gaetz of the House Weaponization of the Government Subcommittee as recently as May of this year. She was informed that her arrest could be “imminent.” A search is currently ongoing to see if INTERPOL has issued a Red Notice, allowing any nation to arrest her and extradite her. Reade has applied for asylum via the United Nations and awaits a response.


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