How many UFOs will we (globally) shoot down this month?

(Stephen Berend/Gillette News Record via AP, File)

All of you who had “UFO invasion” on your 2023 bingo card may now collect your prizes. After the United States shot down an “unidentified object” on Friday over Alaska, yesterday and today produced a cascading series of reports about strange objects being seen (and in some cases attacked) in the skies around the world. First, on Saturday, joint forces from the United States and Canada shot down another one over a remote region of Yukon in the northwestern part of the country. But just like the one over Alaska, this didn’t look like a balloon at first, and Canadian officials were not ready to blame it on China. (It came in from over the North Pole, not from the west.)


Canada’s Defence Minister Anita Anand says “it’s far too early” to say whether an “unidentified object” shot down over Yukon on Saturday came from China.

Anand spoke after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Saturday afternoon he had ordered the object shot down after it violated Canadian airspace. That followed confirmation from the North American Aerospace Defense Command of an exclusive Global News report published at 3:36 PM Eastern that officials with the continental defence alliance were monitoring an object that could be another potential spy balloon.

Pentagon officials later said that the object was a “small metallic ballon with a tethered payload.” That conflicts with earlier reports from the Canadian Defense Minister who described it as a “small, cylindrical object” the size of a car. This latest description is still rather vague, so who knows what we’re being told and how forthright they are being?

In the middle of all that action, we closed our airspace over Montana… again. Another “object” had been picked up on radar. But by the time our fighters arrived, that one had disappeared. (NY Post)

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) temporarily shut down airspace over part of Montana as the Defense Department sent a fighter to investigate an “anomaly” that was spotted on radar, officials said.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command [NORAD] said in a statement Saturday that the central Montana airspace was closed after it “detected a radar anomaly” but a jet that was sent up found nothing.


But wait… there’s more. And it’s not just the US and Canada. This morning there were reports that China had spotted one near Rizhao and they were preparing to shoot it down. We found out about that one after Beijing sent out a warning to all coastal fishing boats to clear the area to avoid being hit by debris.

Apparently not wanting to be left out of the conversation, the Russians announced that they shot one down last month. That one was a “metallic ball” rather than tube-shaped, though. It appeared to be similar to the one the US Air Forced filmed over Mosul in 2016. They even published a picture of it. (Available at the link.)

Unlike the Chinese spy balloon debacle, some of these things don’t appear to be balloons of any sort. And some pilots have gone public and said that the weird objects didn’t have any obvious means of propulsion or lift. They “didn’t know how it was actually staying in the air.”

This lack of obvious, conventional explanations led Nick Arama at RedState to “get that alien feeling.”


So again, what the heck? If it came in Friday night, why was it not detected and/or shot down until just now — Saturday night? This is getting more than a little concerning.

That’s making me think it isn’t the Chinese because why would they keep kicking the hornet’s nest with three different things? Unless they mean to launch some crazy things–or maybe something we don’t know.

The next piece of info about the object shot down over Alaska is making me get that alien feeling.

So if we’re blaming China and China is blaming us and the Russians are blaming, well… everyone, who is putting all of these things up in the sky? Nobody seems to know at the moment, or if they do, they’re not saying. But it certainly seems like a lot of them are suddenly showing up all at once. So is this an invasion? And if so, by who? Or what?

There is a genuine cause for concern here, particularly when we’re already tied up in a proxy war in Ukraine. If we’re blaming China and China is blaming us and we’re both shooting things down, this could escalate into a hot war pretty quickly.

And then there’s the elephant in the room that we’re not supposed to talk about. What if it really isn’t us and it’s not the Russians or the Chinese either? I’m sure many of you think I’m ready to blame extraterrestrials because, well… I’m “the UFO guy” after all. But I’ll go ahead and possibly surprise you. Whatever these things are, I’m guessing they’re likely some sort of drones that were cooked up right here on terra firma, possibly from multiple countries, including ours. Everybody has been developing advanced drones in recent years. And what’s the point of having a new toy if you don’t get to play with it? Granted, I don’t have the first clue as to what sort of technology is propelling them, but we can’t rule out the possibility.


There’s one other reason that I don’t think these “objects” are anything exotic. It’s because they’re just too easy to shoot down, or at least it seems that way so far. When humans have tried to take out what appeared to be a legitimate UFO of possible non-human origin in the past, it hasn’t worked out well. In a piece I published last year at a different outlet, I covered the FOIA records of an incident that took place in March of 1967. US Air Force intelligence specialists were stationed in the Florida Keys, monitoring Cuban military radio traffic when something very unusual took place.

The Cubans had picked up an unknown object on radar entering their airspace, heading southwest at an altitude of 33,000 feet and doing more than 600 mph. Two MIG-21 fighters were dispatched to intercept it. The flight leader reported seeing “a bright metallic sphere with no visible markings or appendages.” (Similar to the ones mentioned above in Russia and Iraq.) After failing to establish radio contact with it, ground control ordered them to shoot it down. The flight leader radioed back saying, “I have a lock on the target.” Those were the last words he ever spoke. Seconds later his wingman was heard screaming, saying the flight leader’s plane had “exploded.” (He later corrected himself to say the plane had “disintegrated.”) Whatever the cause may have been, the jet had turned into a cloud of debris falling toward the waters of the gulf below.


With all of that in mind, if these things being seen this week are really from “out there” and can traverse the vast gulf of space, they really shouldn’t be so easy to use for target practice, should they? Just saying…

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