FBI "discovers" even more classified docs at Biden home

(CIA via AP)

Before we get to the obvious conspiracy theory material, let’s get past the basics of the story. While this is starting to sound like a broken record, six more classified documents were reportedly discovered at Joe Biden’s mansion in Wilmington, Delaware on Friday. The latest episode of this soap opera includes a couple of twists, however. The FBI conducted the search, rather than Biden’s own lawyers and other flunkies. The search of the residence took 13 hours. The other twist involves the dates on the documents. Some of them were once again from Biden’s time as Vice President, but some of them were from his time in the Senate. That means that Biden had been illegally hanging on to the papers since at least 2009 if not before. So he’s been keeping them in an unsecured location for at least a dozen years. (National Review)


The FBI on Friday uncovered more classified documents while searching President Biden’s residence in Wilmington, Del.

Over the course of 13 hours, investigators found six items composed of records determined to be sensitive, Bob Bauer, Biden’s personal lawyer, said in a statement.

“DOJ took possession of materials it deemed within the scope of its inquiry, including six items consisting of documents with classification markings and surrounding materials, some of which were from the President’s service in the Senate and some of which were from his tenure as Vice President. DOJ also took for further review personally handwritten notes from the vice-presidential years,” he said.

First, notice that the FBI didn’t show up with rifles and body armor to kick in the doors at Biden’s house. This all appears to have been planned in advance. There is no indication (at least thus far) that they rummaged through Jill Biden’s underwear drawer or trashed the place, as was seen at Mar-a-Lago. The entire affair sounds as if it was suspiciously cordial and coordinated.

Next, keep in mind that Joe Biden’s own lawyers, the people charged with protecting him (supposedly), were given weeks to comb through everything before the FBI showed up. Were they sorting through the “really bad” documents that might mention Ukraine or China and just keeping the ones that were more “harmless?” Was there a burn barrel involved for anything that might be too embarrassing or drag other Democrats into the scandal? Inquiring minds would like to know.


Also, as I already pointed out, let’s not forget that Biden’s lawyers had already supposedly been through that house with a fine-toothed comb before the FBI showed up. But the feds managed to “find” six more classified documents in one day? The only two explanations for this are that Biden’s lawyers are really bad at searching and identifying documents or they conveniently “forgot” to pick six of them up so the FBI would have something to “find.” Pick your own poison on that question. When you’re faced with a choice between incompetence and corruption, neither answer looks very good.

We’re getting closer and closer to the State of the Union address, currently scheduled for February 7th. After that, Biden is expected to announce the launch of his reelection campaign. How many more hints do we need suggesting that the powers that be in the Democratic Party do not want Joe Biden to run again? These damning headlines about classified documents cluttering up Biden’s offices and homes are trickling out at a rate that keeps the story in the headlines on a daily basis.

And in an obvious shift from “business as usual” in the MSM, outlets including CNN and NBC News are reporting the story in a serious fashion. Journalists are describing in somber tones what a problem this is for Biden. The entire political/media machine that has worked overtime for two years to ignore all of the crises caused by Biden’s policies and his obvious cognitive decline is now singing a new tune, and it’s one describing a President who is in trouble and very likely shouldn’t run for another term.


Does this still sound like a “conspiracy theory” to anyone? If anything, I’d say it’s almost painfully obvious what’s going on here. Joe Biden has outlived his usefulness to the progressive left but he’s not taking the hint and gracefully heading for the exit. And if he requires a push to get him moving in that direction, his own people seem more than willing to make that happen.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024