Was Hunter photographed in the vicinity of Biden's classified documents?

Screenshots from alleged iCloud

In case you were wondering if the Joe Biden classified documents story could get any worse, wonder no more. It can and it has. As with most things related to Biden Incorporated, all you need to do is toss First Son Hunter Biden into the story and the stench factor goes up a couple of notches.


That appears to be what’s happened in this case as well. A pair of photos from 2017 have emerged with one showing Hunter at the wheel of his father’s famous Corvette Stingray outside of the family home in Delaware. In another picture, Joe Biden is parked in front of the now famous “locked garage” with the door of the garage wide open. And in the background, inside the garage and right next to where the Corvette would normally be parked, a stack of what appear to be boxes and documents are sitting out in plain sight. So were the Top Secret documents located in that pile? (New York Post)

Newly-published photos show Hunter Biden had access to Joe Biden’s beloved Corvette that the president says was kept in a “locked garage” alongside classified documents from his time as vice president.

The pictures, obtained from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop and verified for authenticity by the Washington Free Beacon on Wednesday, cast doubt on the 80-year-old president’s claims that the top-secret papers discovered in a garage at his 6,850-square-foot Wilmington, Delaware mansion were properly secured.

The snaps, taken on an iPhone camera just outside the president’s home, show Hunter Biden in the driver’s seat of his father’s Goodwood Green-colored 1967 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray convertible in July of 2017, the newspaper reported.

Here is the photo in question:

Via YouTube

Obviously, we can’t say for sure if the classified documents are in that pile highlighted by the red circle. But the location of the boxes certainly seems to match the description given by Biden’s attorneys and by Uncle Joe himself when he answered Fox News reporter Peter Doocy’s question about where they were stored. If that’s the case and Hunter Biden had access to the Stingray, he obviously had access to the documents as well.


Keep in mind that this was in 2017. Vice Presidents can’t declassify documents in the first place, but at that time Joe Biden was a private citizen with no special access to any classified material. And his crack-addled son probably wouldn’t have been approved for the security clearance required to guard the cookie jar at a school playground. Are we expected to believe that the guy who admitted to snorting coke off of the backside of a hooker was studiously ensuring the garage door was closed and locked every time he took the Corvette for a spin? And did he ever get curious about those boxes and decided to poke through them?

None of those issues are particularly relevant to the ongoing investigation, of course. It wouldn’t matter if there had been a locked SentrySafe SFW123GDC sitting next to the Corvette instead of a pile of disused cardboard boxes. Classified documents are not supposed to leave the approved, secure facility where they are stored except under very specific conditions. And they are not to be stored outside of those secure facilities. Locked or unlocked, Biden’s garage does not qualify.

These are all fascinating questions, but it’s difficult to see how investigators will get to the underlying truth. All of the evidence is from more than half a decade ago. Joe Biden appears to be unaware that the documents were in the garage to begin with. (We’re probably not shocked since he frequently seems to be unaware of many things.) We can’t even be sure that there weren’t more than the five or six documents with classified markings in that garage at some point and whether some of them have simply gone “missing.”


I remain highly skeptical that anyone inside Biden’s own Justice Department will bring charges against him. (And if they don’t, that complicates their plan to bring similar charges against Trump.) But that was probably never the point to begin with. This entire affair continues to look like an orchestrated effort to convince Biden not to run for a second term. And if so, the plot originated inside his own party.


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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024