Russia fears Kremlin guards could be under mind-control

Alexei Nikolsky, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

Just how unstable have things become inside of the Kremlin, as domestic opposition to the war in Ukraine continues to grow? According to one memo reportedly leaked from inside the Russian government, concerns have been raised about members of the Federal Protective Service (FSO) in the event of a coup or other military conflict inside of Moscow. The FSO is charged with protecting the safety of both VIP visitors and some of the country’s top officials, including Vladimir Putin. Some of Russia’s upper-echelon officials are apparently worried that FSO agents may be “compromised” by hypnosis or other “psychologically infecting techniques.” In other words, mind control. So how are they supposed to guard against a parapsychological threat like that? Oh, don’t worry. They have a plan. (Business Insider)


According to a leaked memo obtained by Russian investigative outlet The Insider, the Kremlin’s security service is concerned that in the event of a coup or heightened military conflict its agents could be compromised by hypnosis and a list of other “psychologically infecting” techniques.

As such, the classified memo covers a set of special measures for the Federal Protective Service, the agency that runs security for the Kremlin’s top officials, including President Vladimir Putin.

These measures are laid out in four parts, including in the event that martial law needs to be enforced, and include weekly political training sessions, collective church attendance and identifying officers with “unstable psyche.”

If this document is legitimate (which is rather hard to verify in the fog of war), this sounds like potentially bad news for the officers in the FSO. Sitting through mandatory “political training” and church services is probably tolerable enough. But how will their superiors go about identifying people with an “unstable psyche?” It sounds as if one paranoid supervisor could send you to the Gulag (or worse) just for looking at them the wrong way.

The memo warns of foreign agents, presumably from the United States and our allies, who might be “capable of psychologically infecting personnel and possessing hypnotic abilities.” I didn’t realize that our intelligence agencies had advanced that far in terms of paranormal mental warfare.


Then again, perhaps we shouldn’t scoff at this story too quickly. It’s been well documented that the CIA was working on the development of mind control drugs back in the 1950s. (Those experiments produced some horrifying results.) They also took a prolonged interest in finding agents who had the ability to engage in telepathic warfare, made famous in the movie, The Men Who Stare at Goats, which was based on a true story. The CIA even had a “remote viewing” program for a while known as Project Stargate and it’s rumored to still be going on today.

The Russians reportedly had similar programs that were set up to counter ours just in case we had any success. So would it really be all that surprising if they were still monitoring their own people for signs of mind control techniques in 2022? What may be more worrisome than psychic spies sneaking into the Kremlin is the possibility that the Russian government could undergo a significant coup that would see Vladimir Putin removed from power by one method or another. The resultant power vacuum might result in some serious instability in Moscow and someone even crazier than Putin gaining control of all of the country’s nukes. Even if Putin is on the way out, it’s in everyone’s best interests to ensure that it happens in an orderly fashion.


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