Biden taps Mao Zedong fangirl as senior adviser

Joe Biden continues to get the old Obama band back together while assembling his cabinet and White House staff. (Seriously… are there no new people in the Democratic Party?) His latest addition, however, should raise some eyebrows even in his own party. Anita Dunn is having her career resurrected by Uncle Joe, signing on to be one of his senior advisors in the Oval Office. (She’s actually been working on Biden’s campaign since 2019, though primarily in the background.) If that name sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because she served as Barack Obama’s communications director briefly at the beginning of his first term.


And that means really briefly. Dunn lasted barely six months in Obamaland before the press uncovered some remarks she made during a 2009 high school graduation speech where she cited two of her “favorite political philosophers. One was Mother Theresa, which was fair enough. But the other was Mao Zedong. She was out the door less than a month after that. But now she’s back, baby, and she’ll be whispering in Joe Biden’s ear as he makes critical foreign policy decisions, including how he plans to frame the United States’ relationship with China going forward. (Free Beacon)

President-elect Joe Biden will tap Anita Dunn, an Obama-administration alumna who praised Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong’s political philosophy, for senior White House adviser, Axios reported Friday.

Dunn’s last stint in the White House ended after just seven months, when she resigned after former Fox News anchor Glenn Beck aired a clip of the then-communications director saying Mao was one of her “favorite political philosophers.”

Dunn worked as senior adviser for the Biden campaign from 2019 until last spring when she took over its operations following a disastrous Iowa caucus showing. She then became co-chair of Biden’s transition team after his victory in November.

As a refresher, what Dunn claimed to admire most about Mao was boiled down to his “unique” approach to governance. “You’re going to make choices…. You’re going to figure out how to do things that have never been done before.”


To be fair, that was certainly true about Mao Zedong. By the time his bloody reign finally ended, it’s estimated that he wound up killing more than 45 million people. Hitler and Stalin were absolute pikers compared to Mao. In that sense, he clearly figured out how to “do things that had never been done before.”

This is one of the people that Joe Biden will be looking to for advice? We’re living in a time when China has been installing spies and thieves in American universities and companies at a breathtaking rate. Our intelligence agencies have been uncovering so many of their undeclared agents that we may need to set up private jets to fly them all out of the country. They’re in the middle of what is turning out to be a fairly efficient case of genocide against the Xinjiang Uighurs and other minorities. They’re also beefing up their naval aviation and warfare capabilities like never before. And don’t even get me started on the Wuhan virus.

Given everything that’s been going on with China, do we really want our Commander in Chief taking cues from a Mao Zedong cheerleader? For Pete’s sake, she was too much even for Barack Obama to tolerate. While he may never have publicly condemned her, let’s face the obvious reality. If Obama didn’t want her to go, he would have quietly told her she didn’t need to resign and that he would protect her. That obviously didn’t happen, and out the door she went.

Oh, and just as a side note, Anita Dunn spent some of her time outside of the government providing pro-bono “damage control” advice to Harvey Weinstein. As a capitalist, I won’t deny Dunn the ability to make a living in the private sector as she sees fit, but… come on, man. Harvey Weinstein? Aren’t we still in the middle of the whole Me Too generation or are we pretty much done with that now?


To quote William Boetcker, a man is judged by the company he keeps. That may or not be fair in all cases, but we can certainly raise valid questions based on the staff a person keeps on hand to give them advice. And Anita Dunn is no less problematic today than she was when she was shown the door during Barack Obama’s first year in office.

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David Strom 7:10 PM | October 15, 2024