Kim Foxx now supports new charges against Smollett

When the special prosecutor in the Jussie Smollett case brought six new charges against him it immediately brought State’s Attorney Kim Foxx back into the spotlight. As John pointed out earlier this week, Foxx questioned the timing of the move, describing it as “James Comey-like.” That’s obviously because she’s up for reelection and the primary is coming in a month or so. Her opponents have been teeing up the Smollett fiasco as ammunition against her. (And for good reason, obviously.)


So does that mean she doesn’t think the case should move forward? Perish the thought! Foxx has quickly changed her tune in the past 48 hours and is now saying that the new charges are completely proper. And yet she still can’t stop herself from hinting that there’s politics underlying all of this. (CBS Chicago)

“Our office filed charges in this case. It was the disposition [dropping of charges] that was cause for difference,” Foxx said. “He had the facts and the evidence to file charges.”

“We are continuing to avail ourselves to a review of how this case was handled. As I said from the very beginning we welcome the non political review. And that’s ongoing.”

“We are certainly cooperating the best we can.”

Well, that certainly sounds positive, cooperative and above board, right? And yet, not long after that, she couldn’t resist suggesting that there’s something fishy going on here.


She “certainly hopes” that everyone is focusing on facts, evidence and the law. If all you can do is hope for that, it means that you have doubts. And if that’s not what the indictments are based on, what’s left? Politics of course.

Meanwhile, the people challenging Foxx for her position in the upcoming primary continue to suggest that she has been heavily influenced by her politically powerful friends. She’s being challenged by former Ald. Bob Fioretti and former prosecutors Bill Conway and Donna More. They showed up to a candidates’ forum on Tuesday (which Foxx did not attend) and made sure to remind everyone how badly the Smollett case was handled.

“What it establishes is that Foxx was influenced to drop the charges by those who are politically powerful by celebrity, and that’s unacceptable,” More said. “Foxx we can’t have two justice systems in our county.”

“Ms. Foxx has repeatedly not told the truth throughout this entire investigation since her original claim she recused herself from this investigation and from this case,” Conway said. “So frankly, I don’t think we can trust anything Ms. Foxx is saying.”

Fioretti went further and called for Foxx’s resignation.

Foxx clearly has no intention of resigning and continues to stick to her primary talking points. She didn’t do anything wrong, there’s nothing to see here, and everyone should stop making such a big deal about it.


I don’t know how there could be anyone left who can’t see that Smollett perpetrated a hate crime hoax. And it seems equally obvious that the police delivered a solid case to Foxx’s office. The fact that the charges were then dropped is beyond fishy. But will the voters of Chicago hold Foxx accountable for the embarrassment she brought on the city? Don’t bet the ranch on it. “The Chicago Way” is a well-known concept for a reason. And the corrupt in the Windy City are rarely if ever taken to task for their actions. Just ask the Daley family.

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