Trans women are men according to trans woman

Oh, dear. This isn’t going to go over well at all and somebody may be losing their key to the executive all-gender bathroom at the next Executive Woke Staff meeting.


Over at National Review, Madeleine Kearns unearths a story out of Great Britain, where science teacher and a transgender activist Debbie Hayton has gone public with some comments that will soon see her barred from the cool kids’ lunch table. She’s published an opinion piece that dares to call upon people to respect basic medical science and understand the differences (both physical and social) between men and women. And yes, she wrote that transgender women are still men.

Debbie Hayton is a British science teacher and a transgender campaigner. Hayton, who struggles with gender dysphoria, identifies as a trans woman but still acknowledges that trans women are men. Denying this fact, Hayton argues, is harmful to transgender people since society is unlikely to build trust and respect with a minority group if said group coerces them into denying science and safeguarding provisions.

“At this very moment, Scotland is considering a change to the law that would allow people to change their legal sex without producing evidence of a psychological need,” Hayton notes in a recent piece for UnHerd.

It’s a rather amazing and refreshing read coming from someone inside the transgender community. But Hayton doesn’t stop with a mere nod to the realities of biology and genetics. She argues against transgender women being automatically allowed into women’s private spaces, noting that some men can present a danger to women and those dressing as women are not exempt from that frightening possibility.


Women’s spaces are not protected because all men present a hazard, but a few do. In the same way, we don’t lock our doors at night because all passers-by are a hazard. But in both cases, some people will abuse trust and women need to take precautions just like householders need to take precautions.

The inconvenient truth is that transwomen are male, and — as a group — we present the same hazard that men present. Women can no more differentiate nice trans from nasty trans than they can distinguish nice men from nasty men. Allowing us to declare ourselves to be trans and then immediately self-identify into women’s spaces makes the boundaries meaningless. It is a safeguarding nightmare.

Hayton provides a long, well-researched history of gender identity legislation in England, Scotland and the European Union. It paints a picture of governments who appeared to rush toward a jump into the void once the concept of gender identity as something somehow different from biological sex came into vogue. Initial efforts were begun with very little input from the public or serious debate. But later, as the conversation caught more attention, responses were broadly negative.


That’s the political landscape that Hayton seeks to navigate while trying to ensure equal treatment for people with gender dysphoria without engendering the anger of people holding more traditional, clinical views. As I noted above, I’m not allowing myself any expectation that she will turn the subject around in either Europe or the United States. More than likely, Hayton will be pilloried by her peers and essentially voted off the island, which is sad. But it’s still a hopeful sign to see someone speaking common sense in the middle of a torrent of madness.

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