A missive from the front line of the transgender bathroom wars

Over the past few years, we’ve examined more news items from the transgender agenda wars than I can keep track of. Of course, the ones that seem to draw the most attention are the stories involving children in public schools and activists’ demands regarding access to bathrooms, locker rooms and showers. All too often, these debates are engaged in by armies of politicians, lobbyists, mainstream journalists and bloggers. The arguments always seem to focus on more clinical questions of privacy, freedom of speech or expression, and the claims that society is trying to “erase the existence” of people by not allowing boys into the girls’ showers.


What’s too often missing are the voices of some of the students who are most directly affected. Oh, sure… you can find endless interviews with the transgender students who are supposedly being oppressed by society. But what about the actual boys and girls (not to mention their parents) who are suddenly losing their privacy rights when schools impose transgender agenda policies, sometimes without even informing the students and parents in advance? We find one of these stories in a recent guest opinion piece at USA Today written by Alexis Lightcap, a high school student from Boyertown, Pennsylvania.

Alexis wound up in precisely the situation I described above. With no official notification to the students or the community, Alexis suddenly found herself face-to-face with a boy in the girl’s bathrooms. I hope you read her entire story, but this portion was particularly compelling.

I’m OK with the school district’s desire to hear voices other than mine on this issue. But I have a voice, too — and Boyertown officials have little interest in my perspective. They didn’t even bother to tell me or the other students that they changed school policy to allow students to choose their locker rooms and restrooms based not on their sex, but on their beliefs about their gender.

The moment I walked into our girls’ restroom and found a boy standing there, I turned and fled — the school’s surveillance video caught me running out. I tried to get the attention of administrators to explain to them how uncomfortable — how scared — I felt sharing the girls’ restroom with a boy. They wouldn’t listen. The principal simply wrote down my concerns on a Post-it note and said he’d contact me soon. He never did.

My parents were no less shocked by this new policy. Boyertown officials kept it a secret from them, too. The administrators never sent home a memo saying that, from now on, our school locker rooms would be open to students based on what sex students believed themselves to be.


The entire story is distressing and Alexis and her friends have every right to be heard. Particularly in 2018, you would think that the fears of a school girl who feels herself to be potentially in danger of sexual assault would merit more attention. But the only voices being listened to or broadcast by the media were those of the transgender activists.

Now Alexis and her friends and family have requested that the Supreme Court look into her case. Will this finally be the case which breaks through to the highest level of our court system and sheds some of the light of sanity on this deteriorating situation? We’re going to need an answer sooner or later. The nation deserves an answer from the courts before this politically correct madness becomes the new normal and it’s too late to turn back the clock.

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