Elizabeth Warren still won't commit to serving full Senate term

Yeah… she’s running.

If you had any doubt about whether or not Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was planning a 2020 POTUS run, just check out her answer to the question of whether or not she would commit to fulfilling a full term in the Senate if she’s elected again in November.


The Daily Caller picked up on this none-too-subtle hint also.

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts sidestepped answering whether or not she would serve her full six-year term if re-elected to the Senate in November, as speculation that she will run for president in 2020 increases.

During an interview with WBUR on Tuesday evening, host Maria Garcia asked Warren if she would commit to completing her term.

“I am running for Senate right now. I’m serving the people of Massachusetts as hard as I can, every single chance I get,” Warren replied. “That’s what I’m doing down here in Washington.”

“This idea that it’s all about what’s going to happen every four years I think just takes people away from the importance of these midterms,” she continued.

Aspiring presidential candidates from the Senate really hate this question and nearly always do everything they can to avoid answering it. The same thing happened with Hillary Clinton when she was running for her second term in New York in 2006. Reporters in Albany peppered her with the same question and she gave nearly the same answer, word-for-word, that Warren did. They always say they are focused on their current Senate race, working hard for their constituents, blah, blah, blah. And in Clinton’s case, she won her race and then turned around and almost immediately abandoned her Senate duties, launching a presidential bid which wound up crashing and burning when Barack Obama showed up on the scene.


It’s understandable why Warren doesn’t want to answer. When you ask the voters to hire you for the job, it comes with an expectation that you’ll be serving a six-year term. Failing to do so throws the state party into turmoil as a replacement has to be found, an appointment made in some cases and a special election scheduled and funded. If it’s not a solidly red or blue state, you also risk losing the seat for your party by abandoning it to run for the White House.

But the reality is that if your supporters back home like you enough to elect you Senator, they probably like you enough to support you as president and forgive a bit of disruption in the statewide races. Warren could show some real leadership if she just owned it, told everyone she was probably going to run for President and asked the voters to support her in that effort as well. But then she wouldn’t be acting like a typical politician, so…

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